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For years, nearly every time Katy Perry goes out in public, she faces crowds of paparazzi and excited fans. Perry said that while she is happy to interact with people while she’s working, she said she would rather be left alone during her free time. She shared the type of interaction she doesn’t want to tolerate. 

Katy Perry said she wished people would leave her alone when she’s in public

Perry believes firmly that when she is not working, people should leave her alone. While she said she would not ever confront the paparazzi, she can’t stand the way they behave.

“Today, for example, I’m not working. But if I decide to go out and get a coffee, and there’s a paparazzi up in my face … I can’t really think of any time when I wasn’t working that I ever overstepped that boundary and called them out or got into their game — because you can’t control that game once you do get into it,” she told Interview Magazine. “But I think it’s disgusting. What I wanted to be and who I am is a singer and a songwriter. I wanted to be onstage, and I wanted the world to hear my music. The product of that is fame and the disgusting celebrity that goes along with it.”

Katy Perry wears a black polka dot dress and poses for photos with a group of fans.
Katy Perry and fans | Larry Busacca/AMA2013/Getty Images for DCP

She believes that nobody has a right to her time or details about her personal life while she isn’t working.

“I don’t really ever tolerate it — especially when it comes to my personal life or my family,” she said. “When I’m working, I’m all yours. But when I’m not working, stay the f*** away. That’s how it goes. So whoever made up the idea that everyone has the right to every bit of information about you because you’re famous . . . No one made that rule. It’s not a law, and if you think it is, then you don’t really understand how the world works.”

She shared that she would be willing to do anything for her younger fans

The one exception to her rule is for when children approached her. She said she’d be willing to do anything for them.

“I think, for me, when it comes to meeting young kids and stuff, I always try to do everything and anything they want,” she said. “Kidney, liver, blood transfusion — you want it, you got it.”

She admires the intelligence of her young fans.

“If you’re coming from an honest place and you’re doing things for the right motives, then people can see that,” she said. “Kids are so smart these days. They sense when there’s a phony bologna out there. Especially in music, when they see something that’s being marketed to them, they’ll call it out. They’ll be like, ‘This chick is bulls***.’”

Katy Perry said she felt wary when adults approached her in public

Perry said that she does not feel the same way about her adult fans. She is far warier when they approach her in public.

Katy Perry wears a metallic gold bra with a matching skirt. She stands with her hands on her hips.
Katy Perry | Monica Schipper/Getty Images

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“When it comes to adults, though, it’s a little different … Sometimes their motives are unclear, and I can feel that, and I’m a little bit more cautious,” she said. “Also, if I’m working, then I’m just kind of 100 percent up for the public. But if I’m not working, then, again, I’m very cautious.”