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Over the years, Gilmore Girls fans have debated which love interest was the best fit for Rory Gilmore. While several cast members have offered their thoughts, Alexis Bledel, the actor who portrayed Rory Gilmore, has opted to remain neutral. Kelly Bishop, the actor who portrayed Emily Gilmore, refuses to stay impartial. Recently, Bishop revealed that she’s on Team Logan Huntzberger.

Kelly Bishop as Emily Gilmore, Lauren Graham as Lorelai Gilmore and Alexis Bledel as Rory Gilmore in 'Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life'
Emily Gilmore, Lorelai Gilmore and Rory Gilmore in ‘Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life’ | Netflix

Emly Gilmore believes Logan Huntzberger was the one for Rory Gilmore

If you’ve ever wondered which of Rory Gilmolre’s suitors her grandmother liked the best, you don’t have to wonder any longer. Kelly Bishop recently sat down for an interview ahead of the release of her memoir The Third Gilmore Girl. During the chat with Gallery Books, her publisher, Bishop, was asked what “team” she was on. The octogenarian was quick to answer, insisting she was on Team Logan because he reminded her of an old movie star.

Logan and Rory dressed in costume for a Life and Death Brigade event in 'Gilmore GIrls: A Year in the Life' Rory Gilmore's baby was likely conceived during the trip.
Logan Huntzberger and Rory Gilmore | Saeed Adyani/Netflix

While Bishop is decidedly Team Logan Huntzberger, she has nothing bad to say about the other men in her fictional granddaughter’s life. In the clip, Bishop insisted that she really likes “the other two,” meaning Dean Forrester, portrayed by Jared Padalecki, and Jess Mariano, played by Milo Ventimiglia, as well, but always had a soft spot for Logan.

Other ‘Gilmore Girls’ cast members have taken sides, too

Bishop didn’t point it out, but it’s clear to Gilmore Girls fans that she might have an affinity for Logan because she appeared in the most scenes with him. Dean and Jess were significant love interests for Rory. Still, they largely stayed in Stars Hollow, away from Richard and Emily Gilmore’s Hartford base. Logan, Rory’s college beau, was more deeply connected to the Gilmores’ upper-crust world and spent more time around them.

Rory and Jess stand outside Richard and Emily Gilmore's house in season 6 of 'Gilmore Girls'
Rory Gilmore and Jess Mariano | Netflix/Gilmore Girls

Team Dean, Team Jess, or Team Logan: The ‘Gilmore Girls’ Cast Weighs in

Other actors appear to be attached to different characters for similar reasons. Scott Patterson, the actor who portrayed Luke Danes in the series, has been outspoken about being on Team Jess. Jess was Rory’s high school bad boy and Luke’s nephew. Because the characters were biologically linked, they had a lot of scenes together. Patterson’s scenes with Padealecki were limited. His time spent on screen with Matt Czuchry, the actor who played Logan, was almost non-existent.

Interestingly enough, Ventimiglia is on Team Dean, while Padalecki thinks Rory and Jess were the endgame couple of the series. Czuchry has been much more neutral, insisting that he believes all of Rory’s boyfriends had strengths and weaknesses.