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A body language expert analyzed a new King Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles photo from the king’s coronation invitation, noting it conveys a “powerful message about the shift in status.” According to the expert, the image portrays the couple as “two equals.”

King Charles wears a brown coat and stands next to Camilla Parker Bowles dressed in a striped outfit and coat, smiling
King Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles | Chris Jackson/Getty Images

Body language expert analyzes new King Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles photo

On April 4, Buckingham Palace released a new photo of King Charles and Queen Camilla on Instagram, along with the official invitation for the king’s coronation. In the image, both wear blue as they stand beside each other, smiling, with Charles placing a hand in one pocket.

Body language expert Judi James looked at King Charles and Camilla’s mannerisms and expressions in the photo, telling Daily Mail that the image sends a “powerful message about the shift in status.”

James explained, “Their previous official photos as a couple have only signaled an even power and status balance when they have been more informal, casual shots, taken in the garden rather than a regal setting. “

She continued, “The new coronation photo shows two equals standing close, with Camilla even slightly in front of Charles’s torso.”

James pointed out, “They look joined at the hip and their smiles are twinned as though both are inviting us to join them for the occasion.”

Charles and Camilla posed in a similar way during recent engagement

James also noted how Charles and Camilla struck a similar pose during a royal engagement when they visited a market in Yorkshire.

The couple stood side-by-side in a doorway and posed for photos, with Charles tucking one hand in his pocket. Camilla faced the camera directly and smiled, with James pointing out the significance. “Her even eye contact suggests confidence,” the body language expert said.

She continued, “It’s Charles looking slightly wary here, with his torso turned in towards his wife and one hand stuffed in his pocket.”

James added, “His smile looks forced and his steepled eyebrows and less direct eye-gaze suggest a lower level of confidence than Camilla.”

Full length shot of King Charles and Queen Camilla posing in a doorway wearing coats
King Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles | Chris Jackson/Getty Images

Camilla Parker Bowles appeared more comfortable than usual, expert says

James also analyzed Camilla’s body language during her first royal engagement since her queen title was revealed. “Camilla’s first outing since her title announcement reflects that sense of a confidence upgrade,” the body language expert said.

She continued, “[Camilla] was the most comfortable we’ve ever seen her. It’s almost as though a weight has been lifted.”

James pointed out how Camilla’s expression indicated her comfort level. “Suddenly we see her smiling directly at the camera with inclusive signaling like a dazzling mouth smile and sparkling eye expression that makes her look openly friendly and direct rather than slightly wary, which has been her signature look for years,” James explained.

She added, “It’s as though some of the tension and anxiety around her public acceptance has gone now.”

Showbiz Cheat Sheet acknowledges conditions and cultures can impact body language and is sensitive to all backgrounds.