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The news that King Charles was diagnosed with cancer sent shockwaves through royal watchers worldwide. The stunning news of the monarch’s health led journalist Piers Morgan to declare: “two days ago, everything seemed fine” in a new editorial.

King Charles’ cancer diagnosis stunned royal family members, claims Piers Morgan

Journalist Piers Morgan discussed King Charles’ cancer diagnosis on his television series Piers Morgan Uncensored. He believes the royal family was shocked by the king’s health battle.

“The type of cancer has not been revealed,” says Morgan. “We do know from the palace it is not prostate cancer.”

However, Charles’ cancer was discovered after treatment for an enlarged prostate. Buckingham Palace said the king began regular cancer treatments as an outpatient on Monday. He was last seen out in public on Sunday before news of his latest health crisis broke on Feb. 5, 2024.

Morgan continued. “I’m told by people close to the royals that two days ago, everything seemed fine. I think this has come as a shock to everybody from what I can tell. Even senior members of the royal family had no idea this was coming.”

He deduced, “However, from the way the palace worded the statement, it looks like a serious situation.”

King Charles will remain head of state, but his public duties will be curtailed

King Charles will remain head of state throughout his cancer treatment. He continues to work from home in an official capacity, Piers Morgan explains.

Morgan said, “He remains the head of state. He will continue basic duties at the palace, including his weekly meeting with the prime minister.”

However, “Public duties are postponed for the duration of his treatment. But, it is unclear if he can undertake major international trips to Canada and New Zealand, planned over the coming months.”

When should royal watchers be concerned about King Charles’ health?

King Charles in a photograph taken in late 2023.
King Charles in a photograph taken in late 2023 | Mark Cuthbert/UK Press via Getty Images

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As king of the United Kingdom, it is encouraging that Charles will continue to shoulder his responsibilities to the crown privately. However, there are certain circumstances where royal watchers should be concerned regarding his health.

First, if a Counsel of State is created, it means King Charles can no longer perform his daily royal duties. The royal family’s official website shares Counsellors of State include the king’s spouse and the following four people in the line of succession over the age of 21.

Counsellors of State can carry out most of the king’s official duties. These include attending privy council meetings, signing documents, and receiving new ambassadors’ credentials.

The current Counsellors of State are the queen, the Prince of Wales, the Duke of Sussex, the Duke of York, and Princess Beatrice. Also, Princess Anne and Prince Edward are Counsellors of State for King Charles for life.

Prince Harry and Prince Andrew are technically Counsellors of State. However, both have stepped back from their royal duties so they won’t be tapped for the royal responsibility.

King Charles became monarch after the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth, in September 2022. His coronation took place in May 2023.