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Keeping Up With the Kardashians has been building up to the exit of big sister Kourtney Kardashian for a long time. At the end of season 17, tensions were already high between the three Kardashian sisters and Kourtney even acted as if she wouldn’t care if the show ended entirely.

Now, after initially just saying she was “taking a step back” from the long-running reality show, Kourtney Kardashian seems to be done with it entirely and is tweeting up a storm about it. She cites her reason for leaving as wanting to be closer with her children, but some fans think there’s  more to it than that.

Do Khloé and Kim gang up on Kourtney Kardashian?

Kourtney Kardashian
Kourtney Kardashian | Rodin Eckenroth/WireImage

The first episode of season 18 brought fans right into a physical altercation between Kourtney and Kim Kardashian, with Khloé looking on. In the immediate aftermath of the fight, Kim was left with scratches in several spots and Khloé was furiously scrubbing a wall clean.

Confessional footage in the following episode showed Kourtney expressing that she felt like she was on a “hamster wheel” and needed to take a step back from filming and have more control over her own schedule.

Interviews from back in November (around the time the fight was filmed) show the sisters unsuccessfully trying to play nice for the cameras. In one interview, Kim and Khloé joked about doing their own spinoff without Kourtney while she just stared straight ahead.

In another interview, Kourtney expressed that her sisters gang up on her “all day.”  Kim responded: “Welcome to my life. That’s what you did to me my whole life until two years ago.”

The Kardashian sister drama could be caused by a shift in alliances

Kim’s response seems to point toward issues among the sisters that have been years in the making. Where once Kourtney took up a position of power in the “in” group among the siblings, she’s now the outsider, often being accused of not working as hard as the rest of the family. This was the argument that sparked the physical fight. 

Some fans on Reddit took notice of this shift in sibling alliances, with one commenter recently writing: “I think Kourtney actually gave us the true reason for her crappy attitude of lately. She’s jealous of the relationship Kim and Khloe have now. She actually said ‘in the past it was me and Khloe against Kim…'”

The commenter goes on to point out that hanging up on your sisters isn’t something to be proud of, while another commenter added: “She is left out for the first time in her life.”

Kourtney Kardashian has been posting all over Twitter about the drama

If she hadn’t made her position on stepping back clear enough on the show, she is putting the final nails in the coffin with her most recent social media posts (either that or vying for more attention). Her Twitter feed reads more like an angry viewer at times than a star of the show.

In response to a fan tweet calling her fight with Kim cringeworthy, she replied: “It’s trash #KUWTK.”

In another tweet Kourtney seemed to be making light of her fight writing: “Kourtney “the nail digger” Kardashian weighing in at 108 pounds…Kim “the kicker” Kardashian West weighs in at 128 pounds…” retweeting a since-deleted post from her brother Rob Kardashian’s page.

Many other tweets were either sassy responses to critics or seemingly genuine replies to fans that are praising her choice to take more time for herself and her family.

In a part of a long, three-tiered tweet posted on April 2nd, she once again addressed her sisters’ criticism: “I realize that a lot of the conversation right now surrounds my work ethic, and I feel like I need to just make one thing clear: raising children is a job as well.”

She ends saying she’s decided to focus more on her kids and her website, Poosh, but doesn’t judge anyone who “chooses a different route” and hopes that everyone can appreciate her choices as well.