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Little People, Big World fans adore Jacob Roloff, Matt and Amy Roloff’s youngest son. Jacob is no longer on the TLC series, but he seems to take an active interest in Roloff Farms. Recently, Matt posted a photo to his Instagram about a new irrigation system he installed with Jacob’s help — but Matt also noted Jacob has “weird” political differences. Here’s how fans responded.

Matt Roloff called Jacob Roloff’s political differences ‘weird’ in a new post

Jacob Roloff's parents, Amy Roloff and Matt Roloff from 'Little People, Big World,' appear on NBC News' 'Today' show sitting side by side on a sofa
Amy Roloff and Matt Roloff appear on NBC News’ ‘Today’ show. | Peter Kramer/NBC/NBC NewsWire

Matt Roloff frequently posts on social media what’s happening on Roloff Farms. On Jan. 24, 2022, the Little People, Big World star posted a photo of one of his farm projects: a new irrigation system.

“Started this a.m. building the new irrigation manifold for the big house well,” Matt shared in his post. “Plus, a bunch of other big projects that we did with no time to capture on a photo. Too busy working … and keeping hydraulic fluid in the machines to stop for any photo opps.”

He then detailed how he still found time to spend with Jacob Roloff and Jacob’s wife, Isabel Rock. The couple recently had a child, Mateo. “If you knew how many things were accomplished just today while still finding time to hang with Jacob, Izzy, and Mateo for 2.5 hours … then take the light of my world, Caryn, out on a date night … I feel productive,” Matt added.

Finally, in an additional text post, Matt commented on Jacob’s politics. “Jacob may have some weird political beliefs but at least his humility to put in a hard days work is showing through,” Matt wrote.

Fans are calling out Matt Roloff for what he posted

Jacob Roloff frequently posts his political beliefs on his Instagram. When it comes to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, he’s posted pro-vaccine and pro-mask-wearing facts to his Instagram Stories. Additionally, he’s called out his family members, including Jeremy Roloff, for posting right-leaning political beliefs he doesn’t believe in.

Matt and Jacob had a difficult relationship in the past, too. Jacob was reportedly upset by his parents’ divorce, and sources claimed he blamed Matt for what went down within the family. “I think when his parents divorced he put a lot of the blame on his dad,” a source told Radar Online.

Now, some Little People, Big World fans find Matt’s commentary about Jacob’s “weird” political beliefs offensive.

“I don’t find Jacob’s political beliefs weird at all,” one fan commented on the post.

“I wouldn’t say weird, I think he’s deeply intellectual and thoughtful about life and how things work,” another fan commented.

“Why even bring up his political beliefs, and the fact that you think they may be weird?” another fan noted.

Why did Jacob Roloff leave ‘Little People, Big World’? Will he return?


‘Little People, Big World’: Tori Roloff Said Buying Roloff Farms Didn’t Go ‘According to Plan,’ Shares Her Feelings on the New House

It seems like Jacob Roloff continues to help Matt Roloff with Roloff Farms. And some fans would love to see him take over the farm someday. So, with Jacob on the farm more often, will he return to the TLC series? And why did Jacob leave Little People, Big World in the first place?

Jacob announced his departure from the show with a 2016 Instagram post. Within the post, he explained how he saw his family getting turned into caricatures, and he didn’t want to take part in the reality series any longer, as it didn’t feel authentic. Then, in 2020, he made another Instagram post alleging he was molested by an executive field producer of the show. This further solidified why he wanted to stay out of the reality TV realm.

With that said, Little People, Big World will continue to air with Zach Roloff and Tori Roloff alongside Matt and Amy Roloff

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