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The Love Is Blind reunion only caused more controversy in the fandom. Many people walked away no longer believing Zanab Jaffrey. But there is a scene that supports her claim that Cole Barnett commented on her eating another time.

[WARNING: This article contains detailed spoilers regarding Love Is Blind Season 3 Episodes 1-12.]

Zanab called Cole out for body shaming on the ‘Love Is Blind’ reunion

The reunion showed Zanab and Cole once again talking about their issues. Zanab claimed Cole’s portrayal could’ve been worse.

“That is your saving grace, Cole, is that they did not use it,” she told him. “Because so much of that stuff… the pushing food away from me, asking if I’m going to eat that, trying to get me to order a salad, the daily comments about my face and my body were not used.”

Cole denied doing this. Raven Ross then mentioned an incident with “the tangerines.” 

'Love Is Blind' couple Cole and Zanab stand in front of a lake in a production still from season 3. Do Cole and Zanab get married this season?
Do Cole and Zanab get married during ‘Love Is Blind?’ | Cr. Patrick Wymore/Netflix © 2022

Zanab explained, “The Cuties story that didn’t make the cut was one day, it was 2 p.m., and we were still filming. I hadn’t had a chance to eat, so I grabbed two Cuties. He looked at me and said, ‘Are you gonna eat both of those?’ I said, ‘Well, yeah, that’s a serving.’ And he said, ‘Well, we’re going out to eat later, so maybe you should save your appetite.’” 

Cole once again denied this and asked for the footage to be shown. The clip was at the end of the reunion. What Zanab said happened, but Cole had an unexpectedly more concerned tone when she said she didn’t eat.

Many fans took this as Zanab lying. But this isn’t the first time the couple was filmed talking about food and their bodies.

Cole told Zanab, ‘You’re fattening yourself up’ in this ‘Love Is Blind’ scene


‘Love Is Blind’: A TikTok Spoils A Couple Is Dating After Going to the Altar

“Trouble in Paradise” showed Cole and Zanab hanging out at the beach. They were enjoying fruit and cheese together. He asked her, after seeing all the guys, if she had any second thoughts. She immediately said no.

She asked him the same question, and he continued eating without answering. “Wow,” Zanab said. “It’s the hesitation for me. It’s the hesitation.” Cole laughed at this. “It’s the quietness,” she continued. “Maybe I don’t even wanna hear your answer.”

“No! I’m not having any second thoughts,” he said. He went on to say things about the other women, and he admitted the majority of the women he dated looked like Colleen Reed. But he said personality-wise, Zanab was his type.

“No, I’m good. You gotta stop fattening me up,” Cole said when Zanab tried to feed him chocolate. “You’re OK with fattening me up, though?” she asked as she continued eating. “You’re fattening yourself up,” he said, then laughed. 

“Wow! Cole,” she replied. Zanab then talked in an interview. “Being a 30-year-old woman, I really try to not be that female that is insecure,” she told the camera. “But Cole is unfiltered 1000% of the time. But that’s part of Cole being just so transparent, which is one of the many things I love about him.”