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Jeremy and Audrey Roloff are no longer featured on Little People, Big World, but they still have a serious online presence. The happily married couple share their marriage advice and parenting tactics with their followers. And they’re currently working on restoring an old van they had back when they first started dating.

While fans agree that the van is cool, they’re not loving that Jeremy and Audrey are allowing their young daughter, Ember, to ride in the van without a seatbelt. Here’s what fans are saying.

Jeremy and Audrey Roloff have gotten plenty of hate for their parenting in the past

Jeremy Roloff and Audrey Roloff celebrate their new book, 'A Love Letter Life,'
Jeremy Roloff and Audrey Roloff celebrate their new book, ‘A Love Letter Life,’ | Tibrina Hobson/Getty Images

From their ultra-religious marriage to their blog, podcast, and book about their love story, Jeremy and Audrey have plenty of fans from their content. But there are many others who hate what they’re putting forth into the world. And, of course, the couple’s parenting choices have also come into question.

When Ember was first born, many fans criticized Jeremy for not helping Audrey as much with parenting duties as he should have. While their little girl is 2 now (and Jeremy appears very involved in the little girl’s life), he’s still posted some controversial content to his Instagram. And one specific post about parents taking photos of their kids annoyed his followers.

“I think a bigger problem than posting photos, is the act of taking them,” Jeremy wrote to Instagram. “We all want photos of our kids, but if all they ever see in every single special moment is the backside of our phones, that will be just as (if not more) damaging than some innocent photo 15 years down the road.” But fans wanted him to get off his high horse.

“It’s interesting that you chose businesses that won’t survive without SM and you post almost every aspect of your lives but then complain about it,” a fan commented.

The couple allowed their daughter to ride in their old van without a seatbelt

Jeremy and Audrey had exciting news for their followers in early July — and that’s that they got their old van, Blue Moon, back. “If you know the story, it was this exact VW bus (Blue Moon)⁣⁣ that we sat in moments before our shoe tossing mission and moments after becoming boyfriend and girlfriend,” Audrey explained on Instagram. “We drove around in her everywhere the summer of 2011 while we were falling in love.”

Jeremy sold the van in order to make some extra cash ahead of his and Audrey’s move to Los Angeles. But now, six years later, Jeremy was able to buy the van back from the person he originally sold it to.

They’re allowing Ember to enjoy the old van, too. Jeremy posted a video to his Instagram showing his daughter in the backseat of Blue Moon without a seatbelt on.

‘Little People, Big World’ fans are slamming them

Jeremy and Audrey may be ultra-excited about their van, but their fans have bigger concerns after seeing Ember without a seatbelt on.

“Why isn’t she in a seatbelt??” one fan commented.

“Blue moon needs car seats and seatbelts!!” another added.

“Seatbelt,” another added, “most car accidents happen near home, I’m shocked because you are such good parents and I know you love them so much.”

Jeremy and Audrey are aware of the hate they get. And Jeremy even commented on his post with a snarky reply back to the haters.

“For all wondering, here is the manager’s phone number: 202.225.4965,” he wrote. Audrey also made fun of the hate on her Instagram Story.

Considering how little Jeremy and Audrey are worried about the backlash, we’re sure we’ll see plenty more photos and videos of their parenting tactics in the future.

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