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The coronavirus (COVID-19) is causing widespread panic globally, and everyone’s starting to practice social distancing. Celebrities are gathering online to warn others to take the threat of the virus seriously. And many reality TV stars are also sending their thoughts, hopes, and prayers out to their followers.

The new season of Little People, Big World starts at the end of March. While the Roloffs are excited to share what’s been going on in their lives, Amy Roloff is also sharing coronavirus sentiments with her social media followers. Unfortunately, it seems a recent photo missed the mark. And her fans are now asking her to be more mindful of social distancing.

Matt Roloff is taking refuge in Arizona with his girlfriend during the pandemic

During the last season of the show, we know Amy made a major life decision — and that was selling her half of Roloff Farms to Matt. Now, Matt and his girlfriend, Caryn Chandler, reside on the farm together. But there’s been a ton of talk regarding where Matt will live in the future, as the farm is a huge responsibility he may not want to continue.

As for where they are during the coronavirus period of isolation, they decided to take a step away from Roloff Farms completely. Chandler posted a photo of her and Matt to her Instagram that shows them in the warm, sunny state of Arizona, which is where Matt owns another home.

“As Matt & I are hunkered down here in AZ (much like I imagine most of you are) we feel inadequate at the moment – especially with how to help those in need,” Chandler’s post reads. “If only we had a crystal ball or a magic wand – maybe we could make things better.  BUT one thing is for sure, one thing we can all think about is that we are ALL in this together.” 

Amy Roloff posted a sweet sentiment to her followers about staying safe

Amy appears to be staying in Oregon while the virus passes. But she has her own sentiments she’s sharing with her followers. On Mach 13, she posted a video of her talking about remaining hopeful during dark times.

“We definitely live in a very precarious and scary time right now, it’s crazy,” Amy said. “I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of everyone and I’m trying to do my best. But I think it’s a reminder for us to do our due diligence to stay safe, stay healthy, and do everything that we can to try and make that happen. Not only for ourselves, but those around us.”

Amy’s followers adored her sentiment here, too.

“Thank you for your encouragement and caring! Praying that you and all of your family stay healthy,” one follower commented.

Amy’s followers are begging her to practice social distancing

While Amy’s sharing her thoughts of peace and hope to her followers, she’s still making time to see friends. On March 17, Amy posted a photo of her with her friend.

“Ok, when you can still get out and enjoy the day and walk w/ a friend, even during a chaotic time like this… I count my blessings and I’m thankful,” Amy captioned the post. “Debi and I went for a walk, almost 3 1/2 miles, with ‘duke’ and ‘Felix’. It was good to get outside. Stay safe and healthy everyone.”

Unfortunately, many didn’t like how close Amy and Debi appeared to be in the photo.

 “Are you concerned about contracting the virus by spending time together?” one follower asked.

“Omg for the life of g-d take this seriously and stop hanging out with friends!” another commented.

“Why is she all up on you??? Social distance! Get inside!” another noted.

We trust that Amy is taking social distancing seriously. We’re hoping she and the rest of her family stay safe during this difficult time!

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