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Married at First Sight Season 15 couple Justin and Alexis just couldn’t get on the same page. After a blissful honeymoon, the two struggled with communication and intimacy. But one of Justin’s biggest complaints was the amount of time Alexis spent hanging out with her friends. He viewed it as her not being committed to their marriage. Alexis says Justin simply wanted all of her free time, which is one reason their Decision Day was a disaster. 

Alexis appears somber on 'Married at First Sight' Season 15
Alexis appears somber on ‘Married at First Sight’ Season 15

Justin took issue with Alexis wanting to spend time with her friends

When viewers first met Alexis, they learned she had quite an active social life. The dual degree holder works hard and likes to unwind by spending time with her friends and family during her downtime, attending brunches, or even going out to clubs. But as the weeks progressed in her marriage to Justin, he found her social calendar to be problematic. 

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In one scene, cameras catch audio of Justin having an explosive argument with Alexis due to her going out to the club “all the time,” which she says is an exaggeration. Eventually, they sit down and discuss it, and the conversation lacks progress. Justin took Alexis’ desire to spend time away from home as her not wanting to be with him.

“I feel like I’m just not wanted,” he tells her. He also claims they lacked physical intimacy and that she shut his efforts down. Alexis felt smothered and needed time alone or with her loved ones to keep herself balanced. Still, Justin felt otherwise. 

Alexis says Justin wanted all of her free time, and it was smothering

According to Alexis, once Justin expressed her discomfort with her spending time with her friends, she tried to make adjustments for the sake of the time allotted in the experiment. She told the co-hosts of Are You My Podcast? that she went to great lengths to make Justin comfortable and feel included in her social life, even missing out on events to be with him.

“When I found out that that’s how he felt, I was like, ‘It’s not that important.’ I would invite him out. There were times where I would be at home, and we’d play video games, and I would be looking up the cheat codes. It was the fact that I wanted to spend time with my friends. And I think it was hard for Justin because he didn’t have any friends in San Diego, so I was his only friend,” she explained. 

Source: YouTube

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Despite her efforts, she says nothing was enough for Justin. His issue was more of a control factor, and him wanting her to completely change her ways for their marriage.

“And there were times when I would go to work, and I would come home and just want to chill and be alone for a little bit, and he was like, ‘You’re alone all day at work. You need to come be with me.’ He’s literally sending me things like that,” she added. “And it was just like I was his friend, I was his wife, I was his everything to him, and at some points, it was just too much for me because I had been such a free spirit. I had been on my own for a while. It was a lot, but I just don’t think it was worth being taken to the extreme that it was because it wasn’t always the club, it wasn’t always [what he said it was]. And I was inviting him, but he’s just a homebody. I’m not that.”

Pastor Cal Robinson says Alexis was ill-prepared for marriage

Alexis and Justin tried to be platonic friends, but that didn’t work. Whether a friendship is possible for them in the future is unclear, but expert Pastor Cal, one of the experts who matched them, told BOSSIP that they didn’t try hard enough to save their marriage. He even says Alexis wasn’t prepared for marriage.

“I believe Justin and Alexis just gave up too soon,” he told the outlet. “They could have made it, but sometimes thinking you’re ready and actually being ready for a long-term commitment are two different things. Alexis may have not been as ready as she thought she was.”