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Married at First Sight couple Olivia and Brett were definitely not on the same page. Their match, as well as Henry and Christina’s, left fans scratching their heads and wondering what the experts were thinking. Suffice it to say, both relationships wound up in the dumpster. However, social media has left some fans wondering if Henry and Olivia are dating now that the show has ended. If so, Olivia’s mother will be pleased, by her own admission. Here’s what we know.   

‘Married at First Sight’ star’s mom wanted a swap

Christina and Henry on Married at First Sight
Christina and Henry on Married at First Sight | Lady Portrait & Wedding Photography

As Married at First Sight fans will recall, Olivia and Brett’s relationship seemed like a bad match from the start. Brett got too drunk at the bachelor party and hit on Henry’s friend. Olivia wasn’t a fan of Brett’s digs and frugal lifestyle. One wanted kids, the other didn’t — you get the idea. Clearly something went awry during the matchmaking process. 

Christina and Henry had similar difficulties. Their personalities could not have been more different. Christina was bold, outgoing, and assertive, where Henry was reserved, and almost painfully shy by comparison. Watching Christina trying to get Henry to chat was like watching a dentist pull teeth. 

Fans felt as if both matches were a mistake — and Olivia’s mother agreed. In fact, she felt that the experts should have matched her daughter with Henry. A Redditor screencapped a comment from Olivia’s mother on Instagram in which she lauds Henry. 

“You can just tell Henry is one of the good guys! I wish he would have been matched with my daughter!” she wrote. 

In fact, Olivia’s mother was nervous about her decision to appear on Married at First Sight from the start. 

“The first concern is you’re marrying somebody you don’t know. Unconventional? It’s just a little gut-wrenching. You don’t know who’s going to be on the other end. I don’t know what to say next,” she told her daughter on the show.

Are Olivia and Henry dating?

Married at First Sight stars Brett and Olivia
Married at First Sight stars Brett and Olivia | Julie Verlinden Photography

Olivia’s mother may be getting her wish after all. At least, that’s what some Married at First Sight fans think after a recent Instagram post featuring both Olivia and Henry. 

Olivia posted a series of photos to her Instagram of her hanging out with some of her castmates. Specifically, Miles and Karen as well as Woody and Amani. Two couples. And then there’s Henry and Olivia. Is that a triple date? Or just friends hanging out?

While two of the photos feature the group all together, a third was of only Christina and Henry. Olivia has also posted a photo of her hanging out with Henry and his friend Kristin on her Instagram story. She’s resting her head on his shoulder, and the featured song on the post was “I Think There Is Something You Should Know.” Naturally, fans had a field day speculating on the nature of their relationship. 

While it remains unclear if the two are actually together or just close friends, fans are certainly wondering what it would be like for the two to date. 

Brett says Olivia and Henry ‘deserve each other’


‘Married at First Sight’: Fans Call Out Olivia for Taking Coronavirus Lightly

Olivia’s Married at First Sight husband, Brett, did an AmA on Reddit. While there wasn’t too much he could discuss about production and editing, he did have an opinion on a possible Olivia and Henry relationship. 

“What do you think when you hear people say Henry and Olivia would make a good couple?” asked a commenter.

“I think that they deserve each other,” Brett wrote back. 

A second user replied, “[T]hat they do, just because you are polite to everyone doesn’t make you kind.”

“For real! A lot of people don’t seem to get this. I’d rather you be an a**hole with a heart of gold than a polite smiling sociopath,” agreed Brett.