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The Kardashians can pretty much buy anything. Kim’s net worth was recently estimated to be almost a billion dollars, and considering her new shapewear company Skims is only getting started, she has nowhere to go but up.

Kim Kardashian West and Kanye West are famous for giving each other lavish gifts, including Miami real estate and fast-food franchises.

If the adults are treating themselves, it makes sense that the kids have top of the line everything. Fans rarely see toys lying around the house when Kim’s mansion is filmed for Keeping Up with the Kardashians. But fans have a feeling that North, Saint, Chicago, and Psalm have the best of the best when it comes to presents from Mom and Dad. A recent photo of North’s horse proves it.

North West has a Friesian horse

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West | Ian West/PA Images via Getty Images

Fans on Reddit posted a tweet from Kim, showing off her daughter’s Friesian horse. Although Kim spelled the breed with a double e, it is actually written with an ie according to the Friesian Horse Association of North America.

The association says that the breed is mostly used for showing. It’s the only horse breed native to Holland, and they’re characterized by a jet black coat, mane, and tail. Friesians are larger than the average horse. That makes it an interesting choice for a child like North, who just turned 7.

As one Reddit user pointed out, the dark wavy mane of the Friesian does look like Kim’s own hair, which could be why she has an affinity for the breed. According to Kim’s Twitter post, she has 14 Friesians on her Wyoming ranch. 

Horses are expensive to maintain

Some Reddit users wondered how much the horse cost, and how much it would have set Kim back to buy 14 of them. One user mentioned that although the average Friesian is around $30,000, the real price of a horse is in the maintenance.

Redditors estimate Kim spends around $5,000 per horse in yearly upkeep. According to Money Crashers, the average horse owner spends about $4,000 a year to keep the animals.

Kim likes nice things, so $5,000 probably isn’t far off. She has 14 Friesians on the ranch, but she also posted pictures of herself and North on other breeds of horse, so she has more than 16 of them on her Wyoming property. If she does only have the 14 Friesians plus the two she and North rode in her Instagram post, Kim probably spends about $64,000 on horse upkeep a year.

For the 14 Friesians, Kim spent almost half a million dollars. 

Considering Kim’s net worth, those sums actually seem kind of small. They could also be an investment for Kim. Breeding, showing, or leasing the horses could end up bringing in more money for Kim. 

Fans seem tired of Kim Kardashian flaunting her wealth


North West Has a Long and Successful Career Ahead of Her, Fans Think

Although fans on Reddit mostly admired the Friesian’s wavy black mane, Twitter users were less impressed with the horse. Many of the commenters on Kim’s Twitter post didn’t seem too excited to know Kim can afford 14 horses when they’re struggling to get by. 

Kim could be planning on quitting entertainment soon and dedicating herself to law full time. It may be the right decision. Ratings on KUWTK are declining. The era of regular people wanting to see how the other half lives seems to be coming to an end. A woke audience only sees unfair wealth disparities in Kim’s Twitter and Instagram posts, where they used to see something entertaining. 

By becoming a lawyer and dedicating herself to criminal justice reform, Kim is leaning in to woke culture, and she’ll likely stay relevant because of it.