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Meghan, Duchess of Sussex recently began a whole new chapter of her life and is becoming more involved in causes that matter to her. In the past several months, Meghan has popped up in a few unexpected places via video message, and fans are excited to see what she will speak out about next.

While many of her stalwart supporters love seeing Meghan come into her own, she also has some enemies — in particular, President Donald Trump recently talked about Meghan, and his comments regarding his feelings toward her have the internet buzzing. 

Meghan Markle’s political activism 

Meghan Markle
Meghan Markle | Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images

As a child, and eventually, as a young woman working in Hollywood, Meghan was drawn to political activism. She even received early acclaim for protesting against a company’s marketing of dish soap, claiming that the television commercial promoting it was sexist.

As she grew older, Meghan continued her quest to create a better world for women and marginalized groups, speaking out on regular occasions.

When she met Prince Harry in 2016, the two bonded over their love of activism, and as a couple, they campaigned hard for socio-political causes, including environmental activism and better education for women and children. Still, Meghan and Prince Harry were held back by the demands of the royal family, and since the royals have a longstanding tradition of remaining apolitical, the outspoken couple were not able to go all out on their activism efforts. 

The royal family traditionally stays out of politics

For the royal family, maintaining certain traditions is very important. The royals, while they are enabled to live a life of privilege due to the power of their position in Britain, keep that status by following certain unwritten rules.

One of those rules is that they remain apolitical as much as possible. In order to stay in the public’s good graces, the British royal family tries to remain firmly in the middle of the aisle when it comes to politics, and they definitely avoid endorsing various political candidates based on their own individual views.

Meghan and Prince Harry seemed to want to follow those rules — at least initially. Still, it didn’t take long before Meghan’s strong political opinions and feminist viewpoint became evident.

She received backlash for guest-editing the September 2019 edition of British Vogue, especially when readers discovered that the issue primarily focused on those who were firmly on the left side of the political aisle. 

What did Donald Trump recently say about Meghan Markle?


Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Sent a Subtle Message That They Don’t Regret Royal Exit and California Move

When Prince Harry and Meghan announced earlier this year that they would be stepping down from their role as senior royals, fans correctly assumed that it wouldn’t take long before they began becoming more politically active. Meghan’s first big statement was following the death of George Floyd, with an impassioned speech to her former high school.

Additionally, in recent weeks, she has been talking openly about women’s rights, the electoral process, and the importance of voting. Most recently, Meghan and her husband, Prince Harry, appeared in a video where they encouraged people everywhere to vote, stating that people should “reject hate speech, misinformation and online negativity.”

Many viewers took their words as an indirect endorsement for the Democratic candidate, Joe Biden. When President Donald Trump was asked about the video message featuring Meghan, he had this to say: “I’m not a fan of hers, and I would say this, and she probably has heard that. I wish a lot of luck to Harry because he’s going to need it.”

Clearly, Meghan is getting herself in some hot water with those in high places. Whether she continues speaking out remains to be seen, but based on her track record, she will likely continue shaking things up where she can, especially since she no longer has to worry about what the royal family thinks.