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Meghan Markle has gotten used to the spotlight. Even before the Duchess of Sussex married into the British royal family, she was a public figure. For years Meghan was a working actor, starring in movies like Get Him to the Greek and TV shows like Suits. Since marrying Prince Harry, she’s retired from acting. However, now that she’s a royal, her life story is becoming the inspiration for movies and TV shows. In an interesting twist of fate, actors are now playing the role of Meghan Markle.

former actor Meghan Markle
Meghan Markle | Chris Jackson/Getty Images

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s love story have inspired a few movies already

Though Meghan and Prince Harry have only been married since 2018, their love story has already been the fodder for three movies. Lifetime released their first film about the couple, Harry & Meghan: A Royal Romance, the same year that they got married. They followed up the film with another, Harry and Meghan: Becoming Royal, in 2019. And when the couple stepped down as senior members of the royal family, the network released Harry & MeghanEscaping the Palace in 2021.

The podcast host hasn’t thought too much about an actor playing her in the future

But despite serving as the inspiration for three movies, Meghan admits that she doesn’t spend a lot of time thinking about the actors playing her. While speaking with Variety, she shared that any person hired to portray her in future TV shows or films won’t be able to represent her accurately in her entirety.

“I haven’t given that much thought, to be honest,” Meghan shared about an actor playing her in the future. “It’s all weird. You have to compartmentalize. Anyone talking about me or casting an actor to play me, that will be a caricature of me that has been created for a business that makes people a lot of money. Once you can separate that out, it’s much easier to go: ‘OK. That actually has nothing to do with me.’ It genuinely doesn’t. It’s a hard lesson to come to grips with.”

Meghan lists the qualities that she hopes the actor who portrays her has

But even though Meghan doesn’t spend too much time thinking about actors who might play her, she does have a list of qualities that she hopes the person representing her brings to the role. “I hope that in preparing for that role, she finds the softness and the playfulness, and the laughter,” Meghan explained. “The silliness. I just hope she finds the dimensions. Also, she can call me!”


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Will Meghan ever return to acting herself?

Meghan may be willing to be a reference for a fellow actor, but she’s got no plans of coming out of retirement herself. It seems that her days portraying characters on screen have come and gone, and she has zero intentions of ever revisiting her previous career. When asked if she’d consider acting again, she gave a very frank response. “No,” the princess shared. “I’m done. I guess never say never, but my intention is to absolutely not.”