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As with most things, the royal family is very particular about their health care and Meghan Markle is no exception. The actress-turned-duchess married into the royal family with an already impressive wellness routine which included a dedicated yoga practice, clean-eating habits, and a collection of supplements which she took on the regular to both maintain health and deal with stress.

Up ahead, take a closer look at the supplements Meghan Markle takes every single day, plus some others she uses on a case by case basis.

Meghan Markle
Meghan Markle | Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images

Meghan Markle supplements

Before she married Prince Harry, Meghan Markle was a working actress with one foot in the world of wellness through her lifestyle website, The Tig and various interviews on her healthy habits. In one interview with The Chalkboard Mag, she detailed her personal wellness tips, including her daily supplements.

Here’s what she listed off:

Magnesium: Like many, the Duchess of Sussex incorporates magnesium into her daily health routine with magnesium supplements. Taking magnesium daily helps promote better sleep by relaxing the muscles and quieting the mind. Additionally, it helps reduce blood pressure, supports bone health, and also helps with digestion.

B-12 drops: According to her interview, Meghan Markle also takes vitamin B-12 drops daily. B-12 helps boost energy, improve memory, supports bone health, and might also improve mood and symptoms of depression. Additionally, it prevents loss of neurons, improves heart health, and can also boost hair, skin, and nail health.

Multivitamin: The Duchess of Sussex also takes a multivitamin every day. Multivitamins are packed with different essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that might be missing from the diet.

Cortisol manager: In addition to magnesium, B-12 drops, and a multivitamin, Meghan Markle also takes a cortisol manager before bed. Cortisol is often referred to as the “stress hormone” because it is released during stress. According to, cortisol is necessary for the body, but an overload of it can “contribute to changes in a woman’s libido and menstrual cycle. Anxiety and depression may also be linked to high cortisol levels.”

By taking a cortisol manager, Meghan Markle is able to keep her levels managed and prevent the repercussions of high stress.

Ashwagandha: Another way Meghan Markle manages her stress is through a supplement called Ashwagandha. The herbal supplement is classified as an adaptogen, which directly affects the body’s ability to manage stress. Ashwagandha can reduce cortisol levels, blood sugar levels, stress and anxiety, and might even help with anxiety and depression symptoms.

Meghan Markle health habits

In addition to taking supplements, the Duchess of Sussex also incorporates many other wellness rituals into her regimen. One way she likes to energize during the day is by drinking green juice. “Green juice is a food-as-medicine philosophy for me,” she told Delish prior to her life as a royal. According to her interview, she sips on a glass of blended green veggies instead of a cup of coffee for an afternoon pick-me-up.

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