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Meghan Markle Had a ‘Totally Different’ Reaction During Her, Harry, William, and Kate’s 2018 ‘Spontaneous Outbreak of Embarrassed Body Language’ — Expert

According to a body language expert, although Meghan Markle looked confident at the 2018 Royal Foundation forum, her movements suggested 'cues' of 'coyness' and a 'desire to hide.'

Meghan Markle didn’t react like Prince Harry with body language “suggesting a problem” when the pair, along with Prince William and Kate Middleton, were asked if they ever had disagreements. According to a body language expert, the Duchess of Sussex hinted at a “desire to hide” despite appearing confident.

William, Harry, Kate, and Meghan hinted there were already ‘problems’ between them at the 2018 Royal Foundation Forum

In the months leading up to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s royal wedding, there were already signs of “problems” between them and the Prince and Princess of Wales, body language expert Judi James told Mirror

Particularly when the commentator at the Royal Foundation forum on Feb. 28, 2018, asked if there were ever disputes between them. 

“With this launch of the ‘Fab Four, ’ it’s the moment when the two couples are asked about any disagreements,” James said. “The spontaneous outbreak of embarrassed body language suggests there are already clashes and conflicts behind the calm smiles.”

After their “embarrassed body language” subsided a bit, Harry gave an answer. He said “healthy disagreements” happened. 

Meghan’s ‘polite restraining gesture’ hinted at something ‘more serious’ 

Meghan Markle, who had a 'totally different' reaction to 2018 Royal Foundation Forum question about disagreements, sits onstage with Prince Harry, Kate Middleton, and Prince William
Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, Kate Middleton, and Prince William | Chris Jackson – WPA Pool/Getty Images

The Duchess of Sussex had an altogether “different” reaction” compared to that of her husband or brother and sister-in-law. 

“When the interview comes to Meghan, however, she goes off like a rocket of confidence and passion,” James said. “But there are also a whole volley of cues concerning hair-touching that are, at the same time, suggesting self-awareness, coyness, and even a desire to hide.”

Meghan, James noted, touched the hair around her face before reacting “totally different” to the question about disagreements. 

“At one point, when they are asked about disagreements, William, Kate, and Harry pull faces. But they keep their faces revealed to the camera,” James said. “Meghan’s reaction is totally different. She touches Harry’s arm in what looks like a polite restraining gesture and then repeats the cut-off ritual by covering her face with one hand.” 

Prince Harry’s body language pointed to a ‘problem’ between him and Meghan and William and Kate

Examining Harry’s body language, James noticed how he physically tensed up at the question. Meanwhile, Meghan, she noted, sat next to Harry with “smiling encouragement” for William and Kate. 

“Harry’s body language is suggesting a problem, while Meghan sits listening politely, smiling encouragement at the Cambridges and barely moving — as an actress she would understand the rules about not upstaging,” the expert said. 

“Harry looks in the depths of a sulk,” she continued. “His hands are clasped in a fig-leaf pose and he looks glumly down at his lap rather than performing any active listening and agreement signals.” 

In his January 2023 memoir, Spare, Harry revealed the event, including an “awkward moment” over lip gloss backstage, didn’t mark the end of any tension between the two couples. Harry noted he, Meghan, William, and Kate went on to have two “clear the air” meetings in 2018. 

Showbiz Cheat Sheet acknowledges conditions and cultures can impact body language and is sensitive to all backgrounds.