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‘Million Dollar Listing’: Did Josh Altman Finally Solve His ‘Brady Bunch’ Ghost Problem?

Josh Altman from 'Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles' had a 'ghost' problem with a client's house. Her teen daughters took a page from a 'Brady Bunch' episode and tried to scare away potential buyers. But Altman had a few tricks up his sleeve thanks to wife Heather.

Josh Altman had a huge Brady Bunch type of problem with his Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles. He was hired to sell a mansion but the seller’s teenage children took a page from a throwback Brady Bunch episode and made it seem as though the house was haunted when Altman held showings. So did he finally “cleanse” the house and get it sold?

Heather Altman had the solution to resolve the ‘Brady Bunch’ haunting

Altman shared with his wife Heather Altman that his client’s three daughters scared off potential buyers. He was clearly frustrated that the girls sabotaged his showings but he wasn’t sure what to do. “The three girls, they’re ruthless,” he said. “I don’t know what to do.”

Josh Altman gets rid of the ghosts in his Million Dollar Listing but does he close the deal?
Josh Altman gets rid of the ghosts in his Million Dollar Listing but does he close the deal? |Randy Shropshire/Getty Images for FMB Development

Heather Altman knew what to do. “I think that you should take them out and show them what their new house could potentially be,” she explained. “What do you do with our kids when they don’t want to do something?”

“I pretend that it’s awesome,” he replied. She then shared that he’s found his solution to the problem.

Does he convince the girls to abandon their scare strategy?

So Altman takes his wife’s advice and takes his clients house hunting. They visit a sprawling mansion and the girls are heard saying, “Oh my God, this is so cool” just in the entryway. “I know I wasn’t officially hired to find Randi [the girls’ mother] and her family a new home,” Altman said in a confessional. “But Heather was right. Show the girls what other awesome houses are out there for them. Because I’m confident I can sell Firmament and find them their new home all at the same time.”

While the home in Hollywood Hills is grand and the family likes it, Randi wants a little more. “I like this, I kinda want more of this,” Randi told Altman. “I want more land.” She added, “I want more house.” Altman concluded she wanted “this on steroids.” She agreed. “Based on her feedback, I got the perfect house for Randi and her girls,” Altman said in a confessional. “It’s in Beverly Hills. It’s off-market, it just came available. That’s like bling, bling, bling!” So did he score?

The clients move but does Josh Altman sell their house?

Altman scored big with the Beverly Hills listing. The clients all gushed about the home and the entire property when Altman showed it to them. “The greatest thing to a Realtor’s ears is hearing someone say, ‘I want that room! I want that room!'” he exclaimed in a confessional after the family toured the home. “Especially this Realtor.” Altman urged Randi to move fast since the home was still a pocket listing, but he planned to start showing it soon.


‘Million Dollar Listing’: Josh Altman Crossed the Billion Dollar Mark Thanks to Gene Simmons’ Home (That He Almost Lost)

Guess who moved out of their house and stopped scaring potential buyers? Altman paid Randi and her girls a visit at the Beverly Hills home. “Randi and the girls, they fell in love with the house off of Benedict Canyon,” he explained in a confessional. “So while I was doing showings on Firmament, I was able to get them the house off Benedict [for a cool $25 million].” He added, “I mean … yeah, I’m pretty awesome. I don’t know what to say sometimes.”

Not only did the client move, but Altman also presented Randi with an offer – a lowball but she was ready to deal, but the price needed to have an $8 [million] in front of the offer. He ended up having to play hardball with his brother (who represented the buyers). But ultimately she gets her price of $8.3 million.