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After growing up with the Dunphy-Pritchetts, itā€™s hard for fans to say goodbye. However, this spring, Modern Family premiered its very last episode. Will there be a Modern Family spinoff featuring some of the original characters? Hereā€™s what we know about ABCā€™s award-winning comedy series.

ā€˜Modern Familyā€™ premiered its last episode during 2020

After about 10 years, the cast of Modern Family said their final goodbyes. This Emmy Award-winning series ended after 11 seasons, making it one of ABCā€™s most successful comedy seriesā€™

Alex went to work on research. Mitch and Cam moved away. Hayley and Dylan moved into Mitch and Camā€™s old house. But the light at the Dunphyā€™s will always be on. Could that mean Modern Family will return for another season? Or a spinoff show?

Characters Mitch and Cam of 'Modern Family'
Characters Mitch and Cam of ā€˜Modern Familyā€™ | Ron Tom/Walt Disney Television via Getty Images

Some fans are calling for the return of characters Mitch and Cam

Although theyā€™re off on a new adventure with Lily and a new baby, some fans are wondering whatā€™s next for the couple, Mitch and Cam. Could these characters (and the actors behind them,) potentially return for a spinoff of the ABC comedy series?Ā 

According to creators of the television show Steve Levitan and Christopher Lloyd, itā€™s not something theyā€™re thinking about. Not at the moment, anyway.Ā 


Was Alex Dunphy the Valedictorian of Her High School? Here Are Some Milestones for This ā€˜Modern Familyā€™ Character

As of April, thereā€™s no Mitch and Cam spinoff in the works

Modern Family co-creators Steve Levitan and Christopher Lloyd shared their thoughts on a potential spinoff of ABCā€™s award-winning comedy series. As of April 2020, itā€™s unlikely, but not completely out of the question.Ā 

ā€œAt the moment Iā€™m personally not thinking about that,ā€ Levitan said, according to Out Magazine. ā€œI think that there are a couple of writers who are thinking about well, is there a Mitch and Cam spinoff, but theyā€™re literally just thinking about it. Theyā€™re using this time that we have now to think about it, if thereā€™s something there.Ā 

ā€œIā€™m not driving this but Iā€™m a huge fan of Jesse and Eric, and those characters are of course near and dear to me, and I certainly think that theyā€™re strong enough to carry a show,ā€ he continued. ā€œFor me, I really felt that what I needed creatively was to work on something new after working on Modern Family for 12 years and pretty much exclusively.ā€

ā€œNo. We wanted to have them off on a new journey, and it seemed symmetrical to have Mitchell follow Cam some place and maybe be around Camā€™s family because Cam had played that role in Mitchellā€™s life for the last 11 years,ā€ Lloyd added. ā€œCam had this opportunity to do something wonderful and exciting, Mitchell felt okay, that makes my obligation to let him chase his dream, and I will go with him and see what that life is like for me.ā€

Some fans still have their fingers crossed for future episodes featuring the Dunphy-Pritchett family. Until then, episodes of Modern Family are available for binge-watching on the streaming platform, Hulu.Ā