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Mona Scott-Young Denies Tamar Braxton’s Show Was Edited Poorly – ‘There Was No Manipulation’

Tamar Braxton has made it clear that her experience working with We TV was not positive. She claims her spinoff series was poorly edited to make her look bad. But, the show’s executive producer, Mona Scott-Young, denies such. She also says Braxton was not in a great place personally when she was filming the show. …

Tamar Braxton has made it clear that her experience working with We TV was not positive. She claims her spinoff series was poorly edited to make her look bad. But, the show’s executive producer, Mona Scott-Young, denies such. She also says Braxton was not in a great place personally when she was filming the show.

Mona Scott-Young and Tamar Braxton
Mona Scott-Young and Tamar Braxton at “Braxton Family Values” premiere | Earl Gibson III/Getty Images for WE tv

Tamar Braxton denounces ‘Get Ya Life’ – says show painted her in a negative light

Braxton’s second We TV spinoff Get Ya Life was to show her life as a single mom, rebuilding her life and career after a public divorce. Unfortunately, Braxton ended up hating the show’s outcome.

Before the show began airing, rumors surfaced that Braxton’s boyfriend at the time, David Adefeso, was controlling and tampering with Braxton’s mood. When the show aired, Adefeso’s behavior seemingly coincided with the rumors. Braxton told Jason Lee of Hollywood Unlocked that Adefeso’s portrayal was unfair.

Source: YouTube

Related: Despite a Restraining Order, Tamar Braxton Defends Her Ex-Boyfriend David Adefeso on Twitter

“Why is it when a man cares about his woman, is concerned about his woman, asks about people that are in her life, protects his woman—why is he called controlling? Why can’t he be looking out for his woman,” she asked. “I don’t really understand that. We all say we want a strong Black man, we want somebody to protect us and love us but when they do that, we openly call them controlling. So what is it that we want?”

She says the network was hellbent on continuing to portray her as angry and combative. There were several times throughout the filming process that Braxton ended filming ahead of schedule – or didn’t show up for filming at all.

Mona Scott-Young denies ‘Get Ya Life’ was edited – says Tamar Braxton wasn’t in the best place

In a recent interview with Madame Noire, Scott-Young says Braxton was on board with the concept of the show. She says Braxton’s previous dealings with We TV caused Braxton to go into the project with her defenses on, causing the show to have a different outcome.

“It didn’t turn out the way we set out to mainly because she was just not in a good space for that show at that time in her life,” Scott-Young explains. “I think the history that she had with the network prevented her from fully embracing the concept that we set out to accomplish, but it certainly was exactly what she had expressed wanting to do.”

As far as editing playing a role in the outcome, Scott-Young doubles down on her beliefs, saying, “There was no manipulation. I think she didn’t like the way a lot of things turned out but it certainly wasn’t because any of it was manipulated. I think it was just a case of not the right time for her. Not the right time in her life.”

Source: YouTube

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Related: Tamar Braxton Blames Reality Show for Her Ex David Adefeso Being Portrayed as Controlling and Abusive

Scott-Young also previously revealed on Twitter that Adefeso was difficult to work with. In fact, she says he refused to participate in the show if Braxton’s ex-husband, Vincent Herbert, made appearances.  

Braxton told a different version of the story. When speaking with Hollywood Unlocked, she said she made the decision to not include Herbert so that a narrative of her ex and Adefeso bickering wouldn’t be a focal point of the show. She also insists that Adefeso and Herbert had a cordial relationship.