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Many fans of the Moon Knight comics were thrilled to see Jake Lockley, Moon Knight’s third personality, finally appear in the Marvel show’s finale. However, his existence in Marc Spector’s system has created some confusion, particularly regarding Taweret’s balanced scales in episode 5. Why was Jake excluded from the judgment of Marc and Steven Grant? Thankfully, Moon Knight writer and producer Jeremy Slater has an explanation for this Jake Lockley plot hole.

Oscar Isaac as Jake Lockley in Moon Knight.
Oscar Isaac as Jake Lockley in ‘Moon Knight.’ | Gabor Kotschy/Marvel Studios

‘Moon Knight’ created a potential Jake Lockley plot hole in Marc and Steven balancing the scales

In Moon Knight Episode 5, Marc Spector and Steven Grant (both played by Oscar Isaac) found themselves in the Egyptian afterlife. The hippo goddess Tawaret (Antonia Salib) explained that they would travel by boat to a heavenly place called the Field of Reeds. However, along the way, Marc’s and Steven’s hearts needed to balance on a scale with the Feather of Truth. If they failed to do so, Marc and Steven would be banished to the sands of Duat.

The scale struggled to even out, meaning that Marc’s and Steven’s hearts were not complete. They needed to confront their past in order to find balance. So, the two embarked on a journey through Marc’s dark childhood, coming to terms with the death of Marc’s younger brother. They learned that Marc created Steven as a coping mechanism to keep Marc safe from his mother, who blamed and abused him for his brother’s death.

In the end, Marc and Steven resolved their differences. Steven accepted his role as Marc’s protector, and they learned to co-exist, so the scales balanced. In reality, though, there was still one thing left unresolved: Jake’s existence.

Jake appeared in Moon Knight‘s post-credits scene after episode 6. He was still serving as Khonshu’s (F. Murray Abraham) avatar, even though Marc and Steven had been set free. And he did what Marc and Steven refused to do — killed Arthur Harrow (Ethan Hawke). Wouldn’t that danger lurking inside Marc’s system have been enough to prevent the scales from balancing?

‘Moon Knight’ producer/writer Jeremy Slater cleared up the Jake Lockley plot hole debate

After the finale, many Moon Knight fans took to social media to question the Jake Lockley plot hole. Now, in a recent interview with The Direct, Jeremy Slater has explained why Taweret’s scales balanced with Jake in the system. Put simply, it all came down to Marc, Steven, and even Taweret not knowing about Jake’s existence.

“Essentially, Marc and Steven needed to reconcile who they were. They needed to come to grips with who they are inside that system,” Slater said. “They weren’t aware of [Jake’s] presence, so they didn’t really have anything to balance in terms of that because they’re still sort of unaware. It was much more about their internal journey over the course of that episode.”

Still, Slater said he appreciated how closely fans paid attention to the balancing scales. In addition to the Jake question, the producer also addressed how exactly Marc and Steven managed to balance the scales.

“From my perspective, it was always Steven’s decision that ultimately balances those scales at the end. Steven realizes that he is the protector of the system, and him finally stepping up and doing that job, and sort of assuming the mantle of what he was always supposed to be,” Slater added. “For me, Marc knew exactly who he was over the course of that episode. He was repressing it and delaying it, but Steven kind of had no idea what his purpose was and why he was there.”

Another ‘Moon Knight’ season could explore Jake and make him known to Marc and Steven

‘Moon Knight’ Originally Included Multiple MCU Crossovers

At the time of this writing, Marvel has not yet announced Moon Knight Season 2. However, if the limited series does get an extension, director Mohamed Diab said he’d like to focus on Jake Lockley. After all, his service to Khonshu could pose a conflict for Marc and Steven as they discover his presence. Plus, fans haven’t learned much about Jake yet.

“I want to see his world. Everyone is so intrigued about him and [I want to] see what happens in between those blinks and who he is and what does he love and who does he love. It’s very interesting for me,” Diab told

All episodes of Moon Knight Season 1 are now streaming on Disney+.