NCT: Chenle Achieved His Dream and Got a Reply on Twitter From Stephen Curry
Chenle of NCT and Stephen Curry make up the collaboration we never knew we needed. Thanks to the power of Twitter and the help of fellow NCT members Johnny and Mark, Chenle achieved his dream and got a reply on Twitter from the Golden State Warriors player.

Chenle is a big fan of Stephen Curry
In a YouTube video titled “Will CHENLE’s Dreams Come True?! | Step ONE | Help! JOHNNY MARKY,” Johnny and Mark helped fellow NCT member Chenle with achieving his dream. The video was part of an ongoing YouTube series titled “Help! JOHNNY MARKY.”
“Before we get started, I feel like our viewers should kind of get a sense of how much you like Stephen Curry,” Mark said. “First explain ‘How did it begin.’ When did you start liking Stephen Curry?”
Chenle replied, “Since I watched a game in 2016. I fell in love with him right away.”
“We ourselves are very aware of the ability of Stephen Curry, but we are here to help our guest message his heart to this famous NBA star,” said Mark.
“In three simple steps,” Johnny added.
“Three simple steps,” Mark agreed.
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Mark and Johnny helped Chenle craft the tweet
In the YouTube video, the NCT members decided to use social media to message Curry.
“First, with the help of social media, we are going to tweet Stephen Curry a message,” said Mark.
“And I feel like the most important part of this tweet is what to tweet on,” Johnny said.
“Yes, first of all we have Stephen Curry’s Twitter account right here in front of us,” Mark said as the three of them scrolled through Curry’s Twitter feed.
Mark and Johnny then spent time teaching Chenle English acronyms that he could use in a tweet.
“So I think, maybe at the end, it could be like ‘Hit me up ASAP!'” Johnny suggested.
After teaching Chenle what “BRB” meant, they showed him the acronym “GOAT.”
“You haven’t seen this before?” Johnny asked.
“I know ‘goat’ but…,” Chenle replied.
“Okay, not that ‘goat,'” Johnny said before making the sound of a goat. “‘GOAT’ means Greatest Of All Time.”
Stephen Curry replied to Chenle on Twitter
After his lesson with Mark and Johnny, Chenle drafted a message to Curry. It is clear he took his acronym lesson to heart, and he incorporated the acronym “GOAT” in the tweet.
On Aug. 6, Chenle replied to one of Curry’s tweets and wrote, “Stephen Curry, you are the GOAT!”
Chenle also shared photos with Johnny and Mark on the official NCT Twitter account. In the tweet, he said he had fun learning English with the two NCT members and he hoped he would be able to meet Curry one day. The NCT Dream singer ended the tweet with “I’ll BRB,” another reference to his acronym lesson.
Curry wrote back, “Once the world gets back to normal, let’s make it happen! @warriors game? #CHENLE.”
After their Twitter exchange, Curry and Chenle followed each other on the Chinese microblogging platform Weibo. Curry even tagged Chenle in a post and encouraged him to practice basketball.
“I’ll try my best. It’s great to learn from you!” Chenle replied.
It seems Chenle is super close to reaching his dream of meeting Curry, and we can’t wait for it to finally happen.