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Outlander created another time-traveling romance with Brianna and Roger. The couple met in season 2, when Brianna and Claire attended Reverend Wakefield’s funeral. And he helped Brianna and Claire in their search to find Jamie. Roger was a young child when Claire and Frank met him in season 1. And Brianna wasn’t born until after Claire went back through the stones before the Battle of Culloden. Given all that, what is Brianna and Roger’s age difference?

Richard Rankin and Sophie Skelton in 1770s colonial clothing as Roger and Brianna in 'Outlander' Season 6
Richard Rankin as Roger and Sophie Skelton as Brianna in ‘Outlander’ Season 6 | STARZ

Brianna and Roger’s ages in ‘Outlander’

Brianna and Roger are played by Sophie Skelton and Richard Rankin. Skelton is 27 years old, and Rankin is 38. But their characters are closer than age than they are.

According to author Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander timeline, Roger was born in 1941. His biological parents died when he was 2 years old in 1943, and he was adopted by the Reverend the same year. Claire and Frank visited Scotland in 1946. And on May 2, 1946, Claire accidentally went through the stones at Craigh na Dun. She reappeared two years later in April 1948 and gave birth to Brianna in Boston later that year on Nov. 23. This makes Roger seven years older than Brianna.

Frank died in a car crash in 1966, and Brianna and Claire traveled to Scotland in 1968. Claire went back through the stones at Craigh na Dun on Nov. 1, 1968, and landed in 1766. Brianna ended up going through the stones herself in 1971, and Roger followed her soon after. They both arrived in 1769. When they traveled back in time, Brianna was 23 years old and Roger was 30.

Is Roger Jemmy’s biological father?

Jemmy was born in May 1770, and Roger and Brianna got married in October 1770. Their wedding was shown in season 5, but they also wed in a handfast in season 4 episode 8 of Outlander.

Fans will recall Brianna and Roger’s fight after their handfast. Shortly after Roger left, Brianna crossed paths with Stephen Bonnet, who sexually assaulted her. Jemmy’s biological parentage has been in question ever since. But Gabaldon confirmed Roger is Jemmy’s biological father. The sixth Outlander book, A Breath of Snow and Ashes, confirms this briefly. But Gabaldon also addressed the topic in a 2019 Facebook post.

“Jemmy’s always thought Roger is his dad. Which he is,” she wrote in one post. As she added in another, “Of course he’s his biological father.”

Caitriona Balfe and Sam Heughan embrace while wearing 1770s colonial clothing in 'Outlander' Season 6
Caitriona Balfe and Sam Heughan in ‘Outlander’ Season 6 | Robert Wilson/STARZ

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How old are Jamie and Claire in ‘Outlander’ Season 6?

Now, what about Jamie and Claire? Outlander Season 1 addressed their age difference. Claire is the elder of the two, but they’re only three years apart in age. (Well, technically Jamie is hundreds of years older. But let’s just forget about that fact. Time travel changes things.) Jamie was born on May 1, 1721. And Claire was born Oct. 20, 1918. When they meet in 1770s Scotland, they were both in their 20s. But how old are Jamie and Claire in Outlander Season 6?

Their romance has spanned decades. And unfortunately, most of those decades were spent apart. Claire and Jamie spent just two years together before Culloden and 20 years apart after. In season 5, Jamie and Claire were both in their 50s. And season 6 picks up where season 5 left off.

Outlander Season 6 comes out in early 2022 with a 90-minute season premiere.