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A Marvel Theory About What All Female Characters in Phase 4 Have in Common Could Predict Their Outcome Too

From the beginning, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has had strong women. But there’s a difference between featuring or highlighting women that are strong or strong-willed in your movies and actually having a strongly fleshed-out female character. Because Marvel has actually been lacking in the latter.  It wasn’t until recently that more of their female characters …
Moon Knight in 'Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man vs. The Sinister 6'

Marvel: What You Need to Know About Moon Knight’s Comics History

In  2022, fan-favorite Oscar Isaac will be coming to Disney+ as the lead in Marvel’s Moon Knight series. But who is this character? Here’s everything you need to know about Moon Knight, including his history, powers, and more. Moon Knight’s origin story Moon Knight was originally conceived of as a villain to battle Marvel’s Werewolf …