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‘Loki’ Star Sophia DiMartino’s Costume Was Modified So She Could Breastfeed and Pump While Filming — ‘It’s Not Easy Being a Working Mama’

Even though Sophia Di Martino’s performances appear effortless on the screen, the talented actress had some grueling workdays on set while filming 'Loki.' Di Martino was pregnant when she initially secured her role in the series and gave birth prior to production, which meant she had to breastfeed and pump milk for her baby while filming scenes later on.

Sophia Di Martino Explains Why the Marvel Team Made Sylvie and Loki’s Fighting Styles So Different — ‘She’s Like a Wild Cat’

One of the more notable aspects of 'Loki' has been the relationship between Loki and Sylvie. Even though Sylvie has been identified as a variant of Loki himself, her personality, motivations, and outlook on life are vastly different from his. Furthermore, her visual presentation and even her style of fighting have been intentionally crafted to be the polar opposite of Loki’s.

‘Sex and the City’: 3 Times Aidan Shaw Was Actually Perfect

Aidan Shaw and Carrie Bradshaw's relationship felt doomed from the start. Carrie wasn't over Mr. Big when she met Aidan during the third season of 'Sex and the City'. That doesn't mean Aidan wasn't a good guy, though. In fact, three moments prove he was practically perfect, even though he wasn't perfect for Carrie in the end.