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Ellen DeGeneres Reportedly ‘Tormented’ Her Household Workers by Setting Traps and Daily Performance Complaints

Up until recently, when most people heard Ellen DeGeneres‘ name, they would’ve instantly pictured the dancing, goofy talk-show host who changed the landscape for people who identify as LGBTQ. However, a slew of recent complaints from former employees and guests of The Ellen DeGeneres Show, as well as many celebrities – some stemming back several …

‘The Young and the Restless: Mishael Morgan Breaks Down Amanda’s Mindset Now That the Twin Truth Is Out

After months of extreme teasing, it finally happened. As soon as Mishael Morgan rejoined The Young and the Restless, viewers figured a connection would be established between her new character, Amanda Sinclair, and her old character, Hilary Curtis. Now, it is official: Sinclair is the long-lost twin of Curtis. In a recent interview, Morgan dove into the reveal and where things stand at the moment.

New Edition: Where is Ralph Tresvant Now?

Ralph Tresvant is best known as the New Edition frontman with the killer falsetto. But over the years, he has also found success as a solo recording artist. The vocalist recently revealed what music fans could expect from him next.