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‘Star Wars’ and ‘Star Trek’ Have Something Essential in Common — and It’s the Reason They’re Both So Loved

The battle between Star Trek fans and Star Wars fans has been raging since the latter was released in 1975. Although the franchises are different in tone and execution, the space sagas garnered similarly passionate fanbases. However, while both franchises deal with space, aliens, and intergalactic war, they also deal with real-world issues that still resonate to this day.  …

Robert Downey Jr. and His Oldest Son Have Something Heartbreaking in Common

As celebrated as Robert Downey Jr. is in his trajectory of going from addict to world-renowned superstar, he had to contend with the problem of history repeating. This occurred within his own family, or more specifically, his oldest son. Not much coverage occurs with Downey’s kids, and that should always be off-limits. However, the similar …