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Artists are often influenced by the work of others, and can even be inspired by artists in another medium. While Paul McCartney was looking for inspiration for his song “All Day” with Kanye West, the former Beatle found some help from painter Pablo Picasso. 

Paul McCartney and Kanye West worked on multiple songs together

Paul McCartney and Kanye West perform onstage at the 57th Annual Grammy Awards
Paul McCartney | Larry Busacca/Getty Images for NARAS

Paul McCartney and Kanye West were an unconventional duo who met up to produce songs together in the mid-2010s. In an interview with GQ,  McCartney said he met Kanye at the 2008 European MTV awards in Liverpool. McCartney recalled having a positive experience with Kanye, but he was still surprised when Kanye sent him a message via his manager, saying he wanted to collaborate.

In 2014, the to met for two or three afternoon songwriting sessions privately at the Beverly Hills Hotel in Los Angeles.  What came out of their sessions were three songs: “All Day,” “Only One,” and “FourFiveSeconds” featuring Rihanna. All three of these songs were successful, with “FourFiveSeconds” becoming a worldwide hit. 

Paul McCartney found inspiration for ‘All Day’ from Pablo Picasso

In an interview with BBC, McCartney discussed his collaboration with the “Gold Digger” rapper. He explained that he came up with the melody for “All Day” after seeing a painting by Picasso in a hospital. The painting featured someone holding a guitar and only using two fingers. McCartney became inspired to try and write a tune while only using two fingers.

“I’d been looking at this Picasso picture, a man with a guitar … and then I suddenly thought ‘what’s that chord he’s playing?’” McCartney wondered. “I looked at the chord, and it was these two fingers here, so I thought, ‘Oh, well that’s a lovely chord.’ So, I started to try and write something just using two fingers all the time…And I was telling that to Kanye, and he…didn’t really appear to notice. Then, after Christmas, I get this track back, and he’s taken my melody, and he’s made it like seriously urban.”

McCartney and Kanye weren’t the only artists to appear on ‘All Day’


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“All Day” was an extensive collaborative effort, and twenty songwriters are credited.  The many songwriters included Mike Dean, Vic Mensa, and Kendrick Lamar. McCartney was especially honored to see that Lamar had been involved in the song. 

“I didn’t know I was on a record with Kendrick. I’m very honored.” McCartney told GQ. “I have no idea what he or the other 18 did. But it’s how it’s done these days, and I’m pleased to be part of it. And slightly amazed.”

McCartney also enjoyed being able to work with Rihanna on “FourFiveSeconds.” He had not been a part of the hip-hop community before, but the British artist was honored to be welcomed here and still seen as a relevant music figure. 

“I mean, Rihanna is something else. She’s cool. So it was a great thrill, actually. I loved it. I feel a kind of privilege that they think I’m worthy of their world. I know I’m worthy of my world, but I didn’t know that they think I could fit.”