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Pray Tell is one of the father figures for the House of Evangelista who officially walked his first ball during season 2 of Pose. He’s one of the best friends of Blanca, a former “Mother of the Year” recipient. 

This character is also the voice that starts every episode of FX’s drama series. Here’s what Billy Porter’s character says during the opening sequence for Pose.

Indya Moore, Janet Mock, Mj Rodriguez, Steven Canals, Dominique Jackson, Billy Porter, and Our Lady J of FX's 'Pose'
Indya Moore, Janet Mock, Mj Rodriguez, Steven Canals, Dominique Jackson, Billy Porter, and Our Lady J of FX’s ‘Pose’ | Rich Fury/Getty Images

Pray Tell introduces every episode of ‘Pose,’ shouting ‘the category is live, work, pose’

This FX original series tells the story of New York City’s ballroom scene, an environment where contestants can share looks and, as of season 2, lip-sync, for a chance to snatch some trophies. 

The balls are also where “chosen families” become famous and take in new members. One of the main families showcased during Pose is the House of Evangelista, with Blanca as the mother and Pray Tell as one of her brothers.

Although there’s no official theme song for Pose, there is an opening sequence that involves sparkly pink letters. Along with the sound of heels, fans can hear Pray Tell say, “the category is live, work, pose!”

Billy Porter portrays Pray Tell in FX’s original series ‘Pose’

Porter’s character, as a regular in both season 1 and season 2, is one of the narrators of the larger story. As the MC of the ballroom, Pray Tell is one of the “elders” in the scene, meaning he offered advice to characters like Damon Evangelista and comfort to Ricky Evangelista-Wintour. 

With friends dying from HIV/AIDS, Pray Tell is sometimes tasked with giving speeches at funerals. It’s this character that earned Porter his first Emmy Award, for Outstanding Lead Actor In A Drama Series.

‘Pose’ premieres its final season in May 2021

After plenty of New York City adventures, trophies snatched, and legends crowned, this FX original series premieres its last season during May 2021. Characters like Blanca, Angel, and Pray Tell are expected to return.

However, there are some major changes for the House of Evangalista, the biggest being Angel and Lil Papi’s engagement. Of all of the characters and the cast members in the drama, Porter shared who he believes is the “heart” of Pose during an interview with Collider

“I would have to say Mj, you know because Mj is the heart,” Porter said of his co-star and her character. “She’s the matriarch. And the whole point is, these are chosen families. They shouldn’t have to carry the weight and the burden of an entire culture.”

“That’s what I think is just so brilliant about Blanca, and one of the things that I don’t think the industry quite understands,” he continued. “You know, because we live in a world that is myopic. Very often we live in a space where the playing field is not level. But, we’re all judged as if it is.”

Some episodes of Pose are available for streaming on Netflix.