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  • Prince Harry spoke German in a video played during an Invictus Games event in Berlin, Germany. 
  • He spoke “timidly and awkwardly,” according to a body language expert. 
  • King Charles III took a “much braver stab” at speaking German during a March 2023 state visit. 
Prince Harry, who spoke German in an Invictus Games video seen in Berlin, makes an Invictus Games speech
Prince Harry | Joshua Sammer/Getty Images for Invictus Games Dusseldorf 2023

In his first appearance since Buckingham Palace confirmed he’s attending the coronation, Prince Harry spoke German in an Invictus Games video. But a body language expert says the Duke of Sussex did so “timidly and awkwardly.” Whereas his father, King Charles III, took a “much braver stab” at speaking German during a March 2023 speech. 

Prince Harry spoke German in a video played at an Invictus Games event in Berlin

Those at an April 18 Invictus Games event in Berlin, Germany, got a brief glimpse of Harry. Although the 38-year-old didn’t make the trek from his home in Montecito, California, to be there in person. 

He did, however, appear in a short video at the event to mark 150 days to the Invictus Games Düsseldorf. Harry started by saying a few words in German: “Guten abend meine damen und herren.” The translation? “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.” 

Harry then switched to English where he proceeded to thank Hendrik Wüst, prime minister of the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia, as well as members of parliament and Team Germany for their support.

Body language expert Judi James examined the video clip and saw Harry “timidly and awkwardly” deliver his opening remark in German. 

“Although we expect our world leaders to be bi- or even multi-lingual, our royals seem to have retained that quaint trait of speaking to people in their own language as though performing a minor miracle or even doing something funny,” James said (via Express). 

“Harry,” she continued, “especially has received a top-drawer education and lives an international lifestyle, but his half a dozen words of German here are delivered timidly and awkwardly.”

Harry apologized ‘in advance’ with a shoulder shrug before speaking German in the Invictus Games video

Taking a look at Harry’s movements in the Invictus Games video, James noticed how the father of two seemingly apologized with his body language.

“Harry’s words come with a shoulder shrug that suggests he’s advertising his own lack of confidence and even apologising [sic] in advance,” she said. 

The gesture, James added, “is something we rarely if ever see when someone foreign speaks to us in our own language.” 

Harry’s body language also included a pump of the elbows and a tilt of the head “before launching safely back into English again.”

King Charles demonstrated ‘much higher levels of self-confidence’ speaking German during a state visit

It seems King Charles is more comfortable speaking German than Harry, according to James. The soon-to-be crowned king appeared “braver” than his youngest son when he delivered remarks in German during a March 2023 state visit

“His father makes a much braver stab at it and talks in German for longer,” she said. “But even he skips the eye contact and vocal intonation and change of mouth shapes that might make it sound more accurate.”

“Charles fiddles with his medal at the start to suggest some nerves,” James added, saying he eventually “warms to the language.” 

King Charles “reads heavily from his script but he does warm to the language as he goes along and even delivers a joke.” 

“This shows much higher levels of self-confidence from King Charles than his younger son,” she concluded. 

Showbiz Cheat Sheet acknowledges conditions and cultures can impact body language and is sensitive to all backgrounds.