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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are already marking Veteran’s Day. On Nov. 8, 2023, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were at the unveiling of a training facility for veterans a few hours from their home in Montecito, California. Unlike, say, the Invictus Games, however, the “spotlight” wasn’t a comfortable place to be for both Harry and Meghan. According to a body language expert, Meghan gave off a “solo appearance” vibe while Harry remained “low-key.” 

Harry and Meghan attended the opening of a training facility for veterans in San Diego

After a date night at a Katy Perry concert, it was back to work for Harry and Meghan on Nov. 8. The pair went to the grand opening of a new Navy SEAL Foundation training facility for veterans in downtown San Diego, California. 

There with Harry and Meghan to celebrate the Warrior Fitness Program West Coast facility opening its doors were Navy SEAL Foundation leaders as well as veterans and their families. 

Per the couple’s Archewell Foundation, Harry and Meghan “toured the new state-of-the-art complex, met with service members benefitting from the program, and officially opened the facility alongside 250 supporters and participants.”

Earlier in the day, Harry and Meghan visited with veterans and active military at San Diego’s Camp Pendleton. 

Meghan’s body language hinted at a ‘solo appearance’ vibe next to ‘low-key’ Harry 

Body language expert Judi James analyzed Harry and Meghan’s demeanor at the opening of the Navy SEAL Foundation’s training facility for veterans. What she saw was a contrast between the couple. One embraced the “spotlight,” while the other appeared “low-key.” 

“Meghan seems to make this look like a solo appearance, walking ahead of Harry and posing directly in the spotlight rather than standing next to him, using what looks rather like over-compensatory rituals,” James told Express. “Throwing beaming smiles and signals of enthusiasm that appear to cover for the fact that Harry looks more low-key and anxious.”

The body language expert observed multiple gestures from the father of two, indicating anxiety.  “As Meghan walks off ahead, he displays four signals of anxiety.” 

The first one came when Harry used his hands in “a peg gesture to hold his jacket together, which allows his arm to become a barrier.” Secondly, Harry looked “back to check with his host” when he was “left walking alone.” 

“Next there is a nervous rubbing together of the hands, and finally, he seems to hide behind Meghan at the ceremony, sucking his lips in,” James said. 

Meghan looked like Harry’s ‘guide’ at the opening of the NAVY Seal training center for veterans

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James continued, noting how Meghan adopted the role of “guide” for her husband. One moment in particular proved to be especially “telling” when the former Suits star put her hand on Harry’s back and ushered him to stand with her. 

“There is a telling point when we see an echo of the maternal/child-looking steering gestures Meghan also used on Harry during the Kevin Costner event,” the expert said. “Harry is actually standing talking to his hosts at this point. But Meghan turns and extends an arm to touch his back to interrupt and move him along in a very public and unsubtle way.”

“This, and her contrasting energy levels to Harry,” James added, “seems to put her in charge here, making it look like her event rather than his.”

Showbiz Cheat Sheet acknowledges conditions and cultures can impact body language and is sensitive to all backgrounds.