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Prince Harry recently visited Queen Elizabeth at Windsor Castle before flying to the Netherlands for the Invictus Games. He later talked about his meeting with Her Majesty and made headlines after sharing his desire to “protect” her.

According to a royal expert, the comment about protecting the queen feels similar to the accusation of racism Harry and his wife, Meghan Markle, made against the royal family last year.

Prince Harry looking on while wearing a gray outfit
Prince Harry | Steve Parsons/AFP via Getty Images

Prince Harry talked about protecting Queen Elizabeth

During an interview with Hoda Kotb, Harry opened up about meeting with Queen Elizabeth. The Duke of Sussex shared that he and Meghan had tea with Her Majesty. He also revealed that he and his grandmother still have a great relationship, though he is concerned about making sure she has the right protection.

“Being with her, it was great. It was just so nice to see her. She’s on great form,” he told Kotb. “She’s always got a great sense of humor with me and I’m just making sure that she’s, you know, protected and got the right people around her.”

However, Harry did not explain who these “people” are or how the queen is currently “protected.”

Prince Harry’s ‘protection’ comment is similar to the Sussexes’ racism accusation, expert says

Royal journalist Richard Eden shared his thoughts on Harry’s comment about protecting the queen. He pointed out what he believes are similarities between that comment and the Sussexes’ racism accusation during the infamous Oprah Winfrey interview in 2021.

“Regular viewers of this program will know that I was left furious after that Oprah interview,” Eden said on Mail Plus’ Palace Confidential show. “They threw those accusations out there, and what was so damaging was it was left hanging. They sort of suggested that the royal family was racist without naming anyone. And that led to all sorts of speculations and has ever since.”

Eden added, “Here we are again … Everyone is talking about ‘What does he mean by protection? Who’s not looking after the queen?’ Even the prime minister’s asked about ‘Is the protection adequate for the queen?’ And we’re all trying to see who he’s having a dig at.”

The comment could be a sign of lingering ‘bitterness,’ another expert speculates


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Another royal expert, Richard Palmer, has weighed in on the comment as well. According to Palmer, Harry’s desire to “protect” the queen could come from a place of “bitterness,” especially when Meghan Markle opened up about not getting support when she was in the royal family.

“He talked about how he wanted to make sure the Queen was protected and has the right people around her and I think that has really left people wondering who he is talking and what he means,” Palmer said (via Express). “It’s been seen as a dig at some of the senior advisers to the Queen.”

Palmer added, “I think there’s a little bit of bitterness left over from after he and Meghan got married and they felt Meghan didn’t get the help and support she needed.”