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Body language expert Darren Stanton, known as the human lie detector, noticed a difference between Prince Harry when being interviewed jointly with Meghan Markle and when he was going it alone.

The couple made headlines for the revealing claims made in the Netflix documentary series Harry & Meghan. But Harry took on the press alone to promote his memoir, Spare.

Stanton observed that Harry was “a lot more relaxed and humorous” when Meghan wasn’t with him for interviews. However, he doesn’t believe it indicates stress in their marriage, like some other analysts. He also doesn’t think it denotes tension on Harry’s part about being around his wife.

Prince Harry, shown while being interviewed alone by Stephen Colbert on 'The Late Show with Stephen Colbert' in 2023.
Stephen Colbert and Prince Harry | Scott Kowalchyk/CBS/Getty Images

Prince Harry is ‘a lot more relaxed and humorous’ when interviewed alone, according to a body language expert

Harry has made the rounds alone for interviews to discuss his memoir, Spare. And Stanton pointed out differences in him when Meghan wasn’t around, finding he lets his guard down more without her. “I have found that Harry appears a lot more relaxed and humorous whilst doing interviews on his own,” the former police officer said on behalf of Betfair Casino. “He seems to be a lot more on edge when he’s around Meghan.”

Notably, Stanton noted indications of true joy while Harry discussed his life in California on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. He added that Harry seemed to mask feelings in previous years and didn’t usually show such “genuine flashes of happiness.”

The expert guessed that the Duke of Sussex now feels he’s in a position to “openly speak about his views.”

Prince Harry naturally switches over to his protective side around Meghan Markle, body language expert says

Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, and Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, are seen in Midtown on December 06, 2022, in New York City.
Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, and Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex | Gotham/GC Images

Stanton noted tension on Harry’s part during joint interviews with Meghan. He linked that to his desire to insulate her from the ugly side of the press. Notably, that’s something he’s connected to his mother’s tragic death.

“While I don’t think this is down to Meghan’s presence, I think it is natural for Harry to go into protective mode around his wife,” Stanton explained. According to him, Harry seemed anxious about what questions Meghan might receive when they were interviewed together.

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Stanton noted that “when Harry started to discuss the negativity he’s received from some of the public” in his interview with Colbert, “He flashed massive contempt … which was indicated by his one-sided smile.”

Overall, the expert thought Harry was honest. “His body posture came across as extremely open, and he displayed lots of open palm gestures, which is a psychological gesture to denote honesty,” Stanton explained.

The expert concluded, “I do not believe Harry was holding back and believe he was forthright when it came to discussing certain serious topics. All of his body language was consistent with the emotions he was experiencing. I believe this was a very honest interview, probably the most honest and open I have seen Harry in a long time.”