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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle released a new Netflix documentary, and the Duke of Sussex compared his wife to his mother, Princess Diana. A body language expert observed Harry’s behavior in the scene and concluded that the prince “truly believes Meghan is similar to Diana.” Here’s what Harry said Meghan and his mother have in common, and what the expert revealed about the clip.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, who spoke of his mother Princess Diana in the couple's new Netflix documentary, smile and pose together at an event.
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry | Mike Coppola/Getty Images

Prince Harry compared Meghan Markle to Princess Diana in his new Netflix documentary

On Dec. 7, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle released a Netflix documentary called Harry & Meghan. The Duke of Sussex opened up about the loss of his mother, Princess Diana.

The Princess of Wales died at age 36 on Aug. 31, 1997. She was in a car crash in the Pont de l’Alma tunnel in Paris as her driver fled the paparazzi. Her sons, Prince William and Prince Harry, were 15 and 12 years old at the time of her death. 

In the first episode of the new Netflix documentary, Prince Harry compared Meghan to Diana. “So much of what Meghan is, and how she is, is so similar to my mum,” he said (via Today). “She has the same compassion, the same empathy, she has the same confidence, she has this warmth about her.”

The Duke of Sussex also said his decision to marry Meghan was “from the heart.” “My mom made most of her decisions, if not all of them, from her heart, and I am my mother’s son,” Harry said.

A body language expert says Prince Harry ‘truly believes’ Meghan Markle ‘is similar to’ Princess Diana

Speaking on behalf of Betfair Casino, former Derbyshire police officer and body language expert Darren Stanton, who is known as the “Human Lie Detector,” shared what he observed about Prince Harry in the new Netflix documentary. He said the Duke of Sussex’s body language shows that he “truly believes” Meghan is similar to his mother. 

“At one point in the documentary, Harry compares Meghan to his mother, Princess Diana,” Stanton said. “He speaks about how compassion, understanding, communication and empathy were the core values that drove his mother’s behavior. Perhaps this is what initially drew Harry to Meghan.”

Stanton also said that Harry wasn’t “faking” his emotions for the show. “When Harry was speaking about Meghan, I did not see any signs of deceptive behavior or that he was faking his emotions for the cameras,” the expert said. “His body language and behavior seems to be totally congruent with what he is thinking. From his non-verbal communication, it’s apparent that he truly believes Meghan is similar to Diana.”

The Duke of Sussex said he ‘doesn’t remember much’ about his mother

Prince Harry mentioned Princess Diana’s warmth and compassion in his Netflix documentary, but he also shared that he doesn’t have many memories of his mother. 

“My childhood, I remember, was filled with laughter, filled with happiness and filled with adventure,” Harry said (via Town & Country). “I don’t have many early memories of my mum… It was almost like internally I sort of blocked them out. But I always remember her laugh, her cheeky laugh.”

He added that his boyhood memories were plagued by photographers. “The majority of my memories is being swarmed by paparazzi,” he said.

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