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Prince Harry recently returned to the U.K. for a three-day trip to celebrate the anniversary of the Invictus Games he founded 10 years ago. There was a special service held at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London to commemorate the anniversary of the Games. Some of Princess Diana’s siblings were in attendance but no one from the royal family attended the ceremony even though they were reportedly invited.

No one expected Harry’s brother, Prince William, or his sister-in-law, who is undergoing treatment for cancer to attend. But not seeing any royals especially one of the duke’s favorite relatives show up to support him has angered some Sussex fans. Here’s who that is and what’s being said about them.

One of Prince Harry’s favorite relatives is ‘adored’ by the rest of the family as well

Some thought that a few members of Harry’s family like Princess Eugenie, Princess Beatrice, and Princess Anne’s daughter Zara Tindall would attend the Invictus Games service.

It’s no secret that the Duke of Sussex has remained close with Eugenie even after he and Meghan left the Firm. Harry is reportedly on good terms with Beatrice as well and was spotted chatting with her and her husband at King Charles’ coronation. And many recall that Zara is one of the only royals who spoke to Harry and Meghan outside of St. Paul’s Cathedral following a service for Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee. Zara is also one of Harry’s favorite cousins.

Zara Tindall attends the Coronation Concert at Windsor Castle
Zara Tindall attends the Coronation Concert at Windsor Castle | JONATHAN BRADY/POOL/AFP via Getty Images

According to King Charles’ former assistant, Zara is the most “adored” member of the royal family.

Grant Harrold was the king’s butler for seven years. During his time working for the monarch his duties included that of valet, house manager, and driver as well. He also looked after Prince William and Prince Harry whenever they stayed at Highgrove House.

Speaking on behalf of Spin Genie Harrold said: “Zara is a favorite of the king. She always has been, always will be. Obviously they adore her. As I say, the family adores her.”

Harry’s fans attack Zara for not supporting the duke

But, as Express noted, the woman “adored” by her relatives is taking the most heat from Harry’s fans for not attending the Invictus Games ceremony.

Prince Harry and Zara Tindall following the National Service of Thanksgiving to Celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II
Prince Harry and Zara Tindall following the National Service of Thanksgiving to Celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II | Kirsty O’Connor – WPA Pool/Getty Images

“Diana’s family attended the Invictus service as support for Prince Harry, whose family didn’t turn up. Not even his favourite cousin Zara. That’s family for you,” one Sussex fan wrote.

Another added, “The absence of Zara Tindall and other members of the royal family at Prince Harry’s Invictus Games Service raised questions” while a third said, “I think it’s sad and pathetic that other non-working royals who are cousins to Harry couldn’t even come out to support Harry at the Invictus service. Shame on Eugene, Zara, Beatrice, and all the others.”

Other royal watchers argued that perhaps the duke’s cousins had other things to do. They pointed out that Princess Beatrice was in New York at the time, Eugenie has been splitting her time between the U.K. and Portugal, and Zara was competing at the Badminton Horse Trials.

Moreover, Palace sources have refuted claims that King Charles and other royals were asked to attend the Invictus ceremony saying Harry never invited them and knew the service was the same day as the annual Buckingham Palace garden party.