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Prince William and Prince Harry may be brothers, but they don’t have much in common. They have different facial features, hair colors, and builds.

But their height is tough to decipher from afar. So, between the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Sussex, who is the taller royal

Brothers Prince William and Prince Harry follow the hearse with the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II
Brothers Prince William (L) and Prince Harry follow the hearse with the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II | Jon Super – WPA Pool/Getty Images

Prince William is slightly taller than Prince Harry 

Prince Harry and Prince William are two of the most recognizable members of the British Royal Family. Along with their wives, Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton, they’re always in the public eye. 

But when seeing pictures and videos of them on TV or the internet, it isn’t easy to gauge their height. And that’s why some royal fans might be wondering which of the brothers is taller. 

Prince William, who is two years older than Prince Harry, is taller. According to Insider, he stands at 6’3″ (1.91 meters). Meanwhile, Prince Harry is 6’1″ (1.85 meters) tall. That’s a difference of two inches or about 5 centimeters.

While Prince William is slightly taller than his brother, both men have a height advantage over most people. The average height for men in the UK is around 5’9″ (1.75 meters), so the Princes are well above average.

How Prince William and Prince Harry’s heights compare to other Royal men

When it comes to height, the British Royal Family has surprisingly tall members. King Charles III —  William and Harry’s father — is 5’10” (1.78 meters), which is above average for a man his age (he was born in 1948). 

Prince William and Prince Harry’s grandfather, Prince Philip — who passed away in April 2021 — was also quite tall for his generation. He stood at 6’0″ (1.83 meters) in his prime.

Prince Andrew is a little taller than his brother, King Charles III. But he is not quite as tall as his nephews. Andrew stands at 5’11” (1.80 meters), which is still above average, but not as impressive as the princes’ height.

How tall are some of the royal women? 

While the men in the royal family are generally quite tall, the women are a bit shorter on average. Princess Diana — Prince William and Prince Harry’s mother — was around 5’8″ (1.73 meters) tall, while Queen Elizabeth II — the brothers’ grandmother — was only 5’4″ (1.63 meters). Queen Camilla, the second wife of King Charles, is also on the shorter side. She stands at 5’5″ (1.65 meters).

As for Kate and Meghan, they are both around the average height for women in the UK. The Princess of Wales is 5’9″ (1.75 meters) tall, which is pretty tall for a woman. The Duchess of Sussex, meanwhile, is 5’7″ (1.70 meters), which is just slightly above average.


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While some royals are far taller than others, the differences make absolutely no impact on their roles within the monarchy. But it’s still pretty interesting to see how the heights of these iconic figures compare to those of the general population.