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Perhaps, it’s not surprising that Prince William was a popular student when he was younger. After all, he has been one of the most famous princes in the world since the day he was born. However, William actually attracted many girls thanks to a trait he shared with his mother, Princess Diana.

Prince William relaxing on rocky surface at a pier
Prince William during his university days | Tim Graham Picture Library/Getty Images

When William was a teenager, he attended Eton College, an elite boarding school that has educated countless wealthy and famous people. His brother, Prince Harry, went to Eton as well, though an old school mate named Jim recalled William fit in better than Harry.

“William was very integrated,” Jim told The Cut. “There’s this sort of society in your top year where if you’re kind of popular or beloved by teachers and boys alike you get voted into the Eton society, which is known as ‘Pop,’ and you got to choose your own waistcoat and wear special trousers. William was a Pop so he was like a homecoming-king type, but Harry wasn’t — I think Harry probably had it harder finding his way.”

Prince William’s ‘shyness’ allowed him to attract girls at school

According to author Robert Jobson, William had a “shy” mannerism, which is something Diana had as well. In fact, one of Diana’s nickname was “Shy Di.”

“The shyness that many commentators and royal observers detected in him was, according to some of William’s school friends, a winning trait when it came to attracting girls,” Jobson wrote in the book William And Kate : The Love Story.

The author added, “In many ways, ‘William the bashful’ was a person he invented; a very effective cover for a boy who was growing in confidence daily.”

William knew about his “shy” reputation,” and he once said in an interview he was not actually that shy.

“I was called shy because I put my head down so much when I was in public. It was never because I was shy,” he reportedly said. “But I thought that, when I was in public, if I kept my head down, then I wouldn’t be photographed so much.”

William added, “Therefore, I thought, people wouldn’t know what I looked like so I could go about doing my own thing — which, of course, frankly was never going to work.”


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William’s wife, Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, was popular at school as well. When she and William attended the University of St. Andrews, she was voted the “prettiest girl” in their dorm.

In Andrew Morton’s book William and Catherine, Michael Choong, a friend of the royal couple, also recalled Kate was considered attractive among the guys at school.

“Guys would go to the canteen for breakfast and they would eye up Kate,” Choong said. “They’d be joking, ‘Who is going to date Kate?’ Then someone would turn to Will and remark, ‘Obviously, you’ve got the best chance.’”

Kate and William ended up dating during their second year at St. Andrews. Then, they tied the knot almost 10 years later in 2011.