How Princess Charlotte Became the Richest Royal Child In the World — Worth Nearly $4 Billion
It’s no secret that the British royal family is worth plenty of money. As a whole, the family is valued at more than $88 billion, thanks to owning so much property around the globe. While most of that money is tied into properties and isn’t actually tangible cash, one royal’s net worth might surprise you. Princess Charlotte, the only daughter of Prince William and Kate Middleton, is the most valuable royal child in the world. She has not even reached double digits yet, but she’s worth a bunch of digits — 3.9 billion of them, to be exact.
Princess Charlotte is worth an estimated $3.9 billion
The royal children inherited money pretty much the moment they were born. It’s safe to say they will never struggle financially. However, with Prince George (William and Kate’s oldest child) being heir to the throne, you’d think he would receive the most money. Technically, this is true; George will inherit more than $1 billion worth of land when his father becomes king, while Charlotte and Prince Louis will not see quite as much. However, Charlotte’s net worth is so high because of her value as a royal and the way she boosts the economy. Here’s what that means.
According to GB News, Charlotte is worth an estimated $3.9 billion due to what’s commonly referred to as “the Kate effect.” The phrase was first coined when Kate Middleton married Prince William and, thanks to every designer she wears, makeup product she buys, and hair product she swears, she actually boosts the British economy, which increases her overall monetary value as a celebrity. When Charlotte was born, the same thing immediately started happening, and now that she is the only girl of William and Kate’s, the Charlotte effect will likely make her the most valuable royal of her generation for the rest of her life.
The royal women are some of the most influential women in the world
It’s no surprise that Kate Middleton was the most Googled woman in the world in 2024. As a British royal, her fashion influence is among the most of any woman globally, too. When Kate wears something semi-affordable, it immediately sells out among the public. Meghan Markle, who married Prince Harry in 2018, had the same effect during her short time as a working royal. People watch the British royal women more than almost anyone else.
Now, as Charlotte is growing up in the world of technology where images of her outfits, hairstyles, etc. are always on display, it’s possible that she will accumulate even greater value throughout her life than her mother.