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  • Princess Diana appeared in a 1986 Christmas card alongside King Charles III, Prince William, and Prince Harry.
  • According to a body language expert, Princess Diana’s feet made her look almost “photoshopped into the photo.” 
  • Princess Diana spent much of the holiday season alone in the years before her 1997 death. 
Princess Diana, who appeared 'photoshopped' in a 1986 Christmas card, according to a body language expert, sits with King Charles, Prince Harry, and Prince William in 1986
Prince Harry, Prince William, King Charles III, and Princess Diana | Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images

Princess Diana “photoshopped” into a royal family Christmas card? An expert says the late royal’s body language gave the impression she’d been edited into a Christmas card. Ahead, how Diana’s feet in a photo with King Charles III, Prince William, and Prince Harry made her look “photoshopped.” 

King Charles and Princess Diana’s 1986 Christmas card with William and Harry

Like many royals, Diana and the king (then the Prince of Wales) issued a family photo as a Christmas card in 1986. The pair sat with their sons, the now-Prince of Wales and Duke of Sussex, at Kensington Palace.

Diana and Charles sported varying shades of blue, while young William and Harry wore matching sweater vests. The family of four fathered in front of a marble fireplace at the London royal residence with their family dog. 

Looking at how Diana was seated in the photo, body language expert Traci Brown pointed out how she’s sitting ever so slightly behind Charles. “You’ve got two future kings there, the guy’s kind of in charge of the family, so she’s going to be behind,” she said (via Today). 

Princess Diana looked ‘photoshopped’ because her feet weren’t pointed toward Charles, William, or Harry in the Christmas card, expert explains

Prince Harry, Prince William, King Charles III, and Princess Diana, who appeared 'photoshopped' in a 1986 Christmas card, according to a body language expert
Prince Harry, Prince William, King Charles III, and Princess Diana | Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images

Another body language expert, Patti Wood, found the angle of Diana’s feet particularly telling. “Feet are always the most revealing – they are under the least amount of conscious control,” she explained. 

Examining Diana’s feet in the photo, the SNAP: Making the Most of First Impressions author said noted how they gave it a “photoshopped” feel. 

“What I find interesting is her feet are pointed forward, close together,” Wood said. “Her feet aren’t towards [sic] him and they’re not towards [sic] her family. It’s almost like she is photoshopped into the photo.”

“If your husband and kids are off to your side, your feet are typically, subconsciously, going to go towards [sic] what you’re attracted to or least fearful of,” she added. 

Meanwhile, William and Harry looked, per Brown, “a great deal happier” than their father, who “doesn’t usually emote.” 

Princess Diana signed the Christmas card using her childhood nickname

Princess Diana, who appeared 'photoshopped' in a 1986 Christmas card, according to a body language expert, signs a visitors book
Princess Diana | Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images

Beyond the photo was the unique, and rather relaxed, approach Diana took to signing the Christmas card. A 2018 tweet offered a glimpse at the inside. It showed the royal, who died in 1997 at the age of 36, had signed the card using one of her nicknames

Although not Di, Lady Di, or even Shy Di. Rather her childhood nickname, Duch.

“Wishing you a very Happy Christmas and New Year and lots of love from the four of us, Duch and Charles,” Diana wrote.

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