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Princess Diana had a lot to worry about on her wedding day. We now know that the Princess of Wales never wanted to go through with the wedding in the first place. But in Diana’s recordings to biographer Andrew Morton, through which she revealed the true tangles of royal life, she also revealed that she was worried about disappointing one royal on her wedding day.

Princess Diana and Prince Charles at their wedding
Princess Diana and Prince Charles at their wedding | Terry Fincher/Princess Diana Archive/Getty Images

Princess Diana and Prince Charles had a rocky relationship

When Diana and Charles first started dating, Diana wasn’t sure how she felt about him. Charles had briefly dated Diana’s sister, Sarah, and she always felt the prince seemed like a “sad man.” Still, Charles pursued her, and he was in search of a wife, so the two began spending time together.

They were engaged after only 12 dates, despite that Charles was actually in love with Camilla Parker Bowles. And while he and Diana remained faithful to one another for several years, there was never any true chemistry between them. They were both involved in affairs, and Charles’ affair with Camilla ended up bringing down their entire marriage.

Princess Diana and Prince Charles
Princess Diana and Prince Charles | Tim Graham Photo Library/Getty Images

Diana was more concerned about the queen at the wedding than Prince Charles

On Diana’s wedding day, there was a lot to worry about. The princess had tried to call off the event, but her sisters said it was too late for her to “chicken out.” Instead, as revealed her in recordings to Andrew Morton, Diana said she “sobbed my eyes out” two days before the big event.

On the day of the event, Diana recalled being calm, but there was one person she worried about disappointing: Queen Elizabeth. “I remember being terribly worried about curtsying to the queen,” Diana revealed. She said that, to distract her, she concentrated on getting her father up the aisle. Everyone, including Prince Philip, is supposed to curtsy or bow to the queen when entering a room.  

Diana revealed the first person she looked for upon entering the church was Camilla

Charles was supposed to be on Diana’s mind, but there was someone else, besides the queen, who was occupying her thoughts: Camilla Parker Bowles. Two days before the wedding, Diana learned that Charles had gone to visit Camilla and had gifted her a bracelet. Diana was hysterical, but it didn’t change the fact that the two would wed two days later.

Prince Charles with Camilla prior to meeting Princess Diana
Prince Charles with Camilla prior to meeting Princess Diana | Tim Graham/Getty Images

Princess Diana and Prince Charles in Forgotten Photos From Their Marriage

“As I walked up the aisle I was looking for [Camilla],” Diana revealed in her recordings. “I knew she was in there, of course. I looked for her.” Diana also noted that, as she walked up the aisle, she once again thought how “ridiculous” the concept of her marrying the future king actually was.

Diana reportedly wanted to stay married to the prince

Diana and Charles were married for 15 years, and they incurred plenty of problems during that time. Still, Diana reportedly did not want to divorce the prince; she hoped the two could work things out and live civilly to raise their kids. However, Diana seemed to take no issue with speaking poorly about Charles, and it led the queen to request that the two divorce.