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Things have been stressful for the British royal family over the past several months. Scandals and tragedies have kept the family in headlines around the globe, and many of these incidents have led to deeper discussions about the role of the royals in a modernized culture. This is especially true since the scandals at hand have often run up against contemporary sensibilities regarding race and gender, leading some to speculate that the royals are out of touch and outdated. 

One element that’s causing consternation among the public is Queen Elizabeth‘s continued close relationship with Prince Andrew, a royal whose scandals continue to put a cloud over the whole family. Now, reports suggest it isn’t just the public that’s seeing red flags — the royal family is also “concerned.” 

Several scandals have made the British Royal Family look outdated

The question of the role of the British royal family in modern society is a debate that’s been nearing a boiling point. While the royals certainly enjoy a dedicated fan base who believes they bring value to the British culture, there are others who see them as representatives of a bygone era with no relevance to a contemporary democratic society. 

Recent scandals have definitely provided fuel for the fire when it comes to showing the royals to be outdated.

As Prince Philip’s passing brought up his multiple racist, sexist, and otherwise derogatory comments, many have been able to point at a kind of deep-seated bigotry that doesn’t mesh with today’s standards. While it would be easy to suggest that Prince Philip — at 99 — was simply a product of a different time, Meghan, Duchess of Sussex and Prince Harry’s exit from royal life have demonstrated the problems to be more widespread. 

When Meghan and Prince Harry revealed — without naming names — that royal family members had made racist comments about the skin color of their biracial children, many were taken aback. 

Prince Andrew’s scandals have plagued the Royal Family for years

The most serious scandal from the royal family has been that of Prince Andrew. His well-documented association with deceased sex offender Jeffrey Epstein has long loomed large over the family, and legal challenges continue to crop up as multiple women claim Prince Andrew was involved in their abuse. 

As a result, Prince Andrew has seen himself distanced from royal life. Held at an arm’s length, Prince Andrew stepped down from his royal duties. The scandal does not seem to be going anywhere, and Prince Andrew’s reputation has been so thoroughly tarnished that any association with him has been downplayed. 

Queen Elizabeth’s closeness to Prince Andrew is concerning

Queen Elizabeth II standing in Buckingham Palace looking somber
Queen Elizabeth II | Chris Jackson – WPA Pool/Getty Images

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The queen, who is famously strict about maintaining the family’s official image, clearly understands that her son is a liability. As BestLife reports, she allegedly met with the disgraced royal after his last public comments — a BBC interview in late 2019. It was following that meeting that his offices were shuttered and his royal duties were stripped. That doesn’t mean, however, that the queen has written off Prince Andrew. 

In fact, “Andrew has been frequently spotted out riding with the Queen on the grounds of Windsor Castle. He was also the first to arrive after the news of his father’s death and has spent much of his time since then with his mother.” Insiders refer to Prince Andrew as the Queen’s “favorite son,” and it seems apparent that her ability to recognize his threat to the institution of the royal family is not enough to override her personal connection with him. 

It’s also notable that Prince Andrew spoke with the press pool during the coverage of his father’s funeral, a sign that he is feeling more comfort in being in the public eye. That effort will likely come with strong resistance, notably from Prince Harry and Prince William, both of whom were reportedly vocally in favor of the restrictions Prince Andrew faced following his scandal. 

His closeness with the queen has given many pause. “Several people in the Palace are concerned that, despite Andrew’s effectively being banished, he very much has the Queen’s ear,” an inside source said.