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Queen Elizabeth gets to live a life of privilege — that’s pretty much common knowledge. When she is attending or hosting fancy dinner parties, there is no doubt that only the finest dishes are served, prepared by a team of chefs that are among the best in the entire world.

Given the fact that the queen has private chefs who prepare just about all of her meals, even when she is not attending to royal duties, we can only imagine that she eats extremely well. Just like anyone else, her majesty has a long list of foods that she loves, as well as foods that she just can’t stand.

There are certain things, in fact, that she won’t even allow in the palace. As it turns out, the queen is pretty regimented when it comes to what she enjoys eating in a day.

While it is pretty likely that we won’t see her majesty seated at the next table in an upscale London restaurant, that certainly doesn’t mean that she doesn’t get to enjoy some of the tastiest dishes that anyone can imagine. Let’s talk about what the queen eats in a day, as it is finally revealed by one of her former chefs.

Queen Elizabeth won’t touch certain foods

Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Elizabeth II | Anwar Hussein/Getty Images

We all know that Queen Elizabeth can do practically whatever she wants. This means that there is nothing that is off-limits, yet there are certain foods that she won’t even think about eating. So, what are they?

Well, according to Reader’s Digest, the queen doesn’t want to ever see pasta on her plate. While she enjoys eating eggs for breakfast, she will only consume brown ones because she finds they taste better.

The queen won’t allow chefs to use garlic or onions in any dishes that she is being served, and she won’t eat any fruit that is out of season. It is a known fact that tea is the drink of choice in England; however, Queen Elizabeth insists that hers be given to her without any sugar. 

Queen Elizabeth loves chocolates and seasonal fruits

Chocolate is a guilty pleasure for many people, and the queen is no exception. According to Us Weekly, she is actually quite the chocoholic, and she truly enjoys a rich, decadent dessert.

Chocolate perfection pie is a favorite, as is a tasty, basic chocolate cake. In fact, the queen has been known to love just about anything that has chocolate in it.

While most of us simply choose a piece of fruit from the fruit bowl and enjoy it with our hands, this is a no-no for the queen. She goes so far as to eat all fruits — even bananas — with a knife and fork. Delicious, healthy fruits are served to her majesty cut up into bite-size pieces, on a dessert plate with a bowl of water for cleaning the fingers. 

What does the queen eat on a regular basis?

So, what does the queen like to eat on a regular basis? Well, although she doesn’t count calories, she takes flavor very seriously and insists that things be cooked a certain way. She loves a flavorful Gaelic steak with salt and pepper served with venison.

When preparing dishes for Queen Elizabeth, chefs are free to use as much cream and butter as they would like in order to make the food as tasty as possible. Although she loves her chocolate, she knows when to stop, since former chefs report that she is careful about how much dessert is enough.

What else does the queen enjoy? Fresh grown vegetables and well-done steaks.