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On the newest Real Housewives franchise, The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City, the drama just seems to do ongoing, and it’s the way many fans prefer it. There are six new housewives – Jen Shah, Meredith Marks, Lisa Barlow, Heather Gay, Whitney Rose, and Mary Cosby. There’s been a number of spats, but one has seemingly taken over and gone down in history.

Jen Shah and Mary Cosby had major beef over a hospital smell

Jen Shah and Mary Cosby from 'The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City'
Jen Shah and Mary Cosby from ‘The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City’ | Fred Hayes/Bravo

Two of the housewives, Jen and Mary, had a beef over a hospital smell comment for the ages. Apparently, Jen came to a restaurant where she was meeting Mary and some of her friends. They greeted each other, and Jen happened to have returned from visiting her aunt in the hospital who had to have her legs amputated. Mary made a comment about a hospital smell, and Jen didn’t take too kindly to hearing about it.

“Mary knew what I was dealing with, for her to say those comments to me like, you’re just flat out being mean,” Jen says about it.

The two housewives eventually talk about the situation at a party Jen throws for Meredith’s birthday, but it gets a little heated. At one point, Jen goes to her room, clearly upset. But Mary follows after, and they talk things out again. Eventually, Mary apologizes, but it hasn’t made the situation any better for Jen apparently.

Why Jen isn’t happy with Meredith

The cast of 'The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City'
The cast of ‘The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City’ | Chad Kirkland/Bravo

‘Real Housewives of Salt Lake City’: Heather Opens up About Her Divorce

Jen and Meredith are good friends and hang out regularly, as their husbands are both gone for work a lot. Meredith already bailed on a sleepover with Jen, which has caused an issue.

Meredith’s son, Brooks, told his mother that he and his sister “saw parts of that woman that we never need to see again.” He’s referring to a time when Jen was over at their house, and she was lifting her leg in a high kick in the air while wearing a skirt and chanting, “Grindr.” Meredith decided to bail on the sleepover after speaking to her son to spend time with her kids.

But things are made even more complicated when Jen learns that Meredith went to church where Mary is Pentecostal First Lady. “Meredith wants to play like Switzerland,” Jen tells Heather and Whitney when she learns about it. “Meredith knows what has gone on between Mary and I,” Jen tells the cameras. “I mean, this is a personal dig against me.”

Jen clearly wants Meredith to choose a side, and she isn’t happy that Meredith went to church with Mary. “Hey Meredith,” Jen says to her friends. “You cannot f****** go be friends with her and be friends with me. I’m not saying choose. I’m just saying, tell me.”

Jen feels there might be “conflict” for Meredith to like both her and Mary, considering what Mary said to her previously. “If you really like Mary, and you really like me, don’t you think there’s like a conflict?” Jen reasons. “B****, vote.”

Jen and Meredith talk about the situation

Later at Whitney’s 1920s themed party, Jen spots Meredith talking to Mary, which doesn’t put her mind at ease about the whole thing. In previews of the upcoming episode, Jen and Meredith talk about things, and it doesn’t go down well.

Jen reveals that she only accepted an apology from Mary because it was Meredith’s birthday. “You mean more to me than that bulls***,” Jen tells her.

Meredith doesn’t think anyone should be “dictating” who anyone can be friends with. “You don’t like it? Not my problem,” Meredith tells the cameras.

“You think she’s a f****** good friend?” Jen asks Meredith as they sit alone. “Good luck with that s*** Meredith.”

“Thank you, I’m disengaging,” Meredith replies as she gets up to leave. “I’m not engaging.” She walks away, which seems to add fuel to the fire.

Jen is so heated, she even talks to Lisa about it when she comes over, and says, “Are you serious? You’re going to go with Mary who f***** her grandfather?”

In the next scene, we see Jen leaving the party, clearly fired up and yelling, “Don’t yell at me. Shut the f*** up. I wanna go the f*** home.”

Later, Jen talks to Heather, revealing it was a “hard week,” as her father died a year ago. She also mentions that she feels “lonely.”

We’ll have to see how things play out from here. Will Jen resolve her issue with Meredith as well as Mary? It’s unclear at this point. But in the preview of the upcoming episode, Mary gets everyone together to talk, so it looks like things will likely come up again.