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Denise Richards and Charlie Sheen were once married and their heated split made headlines. The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star opened up about how she tried to protect their daughters during that time. How did she do it? Here is everything you need to know.

Denise Richards and Charlie Sheen broke up in 2005

Denise Richards visits "Extra"
Denise Richards visits “Extra” | Noel Vasquez/Getty Images

The couple got married in 2002 and got divorced in 2006. They announced their breakup in a joint statement in 2005.

We are deeply saddened by the recent events and out of our love and concern for our daughter Sam, our unborn child and each other, we ask that you respect our privacy during this difficult time,” read the statement according to People.

Although things started with a joint statement, the divorce went on to be very heated. Richards claimed Sheen was verbally abusive and once angrily threw a chair. They are on better terms today and co-parent their children together, but Richards opened up when things were still heated between them.

Richards said she tried to hide the dysfunction of their marriage from their kids

The actress had to open up about their heated moments in court, but that’s something she tried to hide from her kids. She opened up about that time on the show.

It’s surreal when you start to see your kids become adults. It makes me cry,” Richards said according to People. “I just feel like I f*cked up a lot with their dad. I don’t want them to look back at their childhood and remember [fights].”

She continued with “My girls have been through a lot.” How did she deal with it? “How I chose to relate to the dysfunction that was going on with their father was to hide it from the kids. I don’t know if I did a disservice or not. … It just made me realize how fast it goes. Life is so short and their childhood is so short.”

Richards and Sheen are co-parenting today

The divorced stars still keep in touch because of their daughters today. Sheen has been heard talking to their daughter, Sami on the phone on the show. He was also invited to Richards’ wedding with Aaron Phypers.

There aren’t any plans of Sheen to actually appear on the Bravo show, but he has talked about it being a possibility. When Sheen was asked if he’ll be on the show he told TMZ “It’s not been confirmed.” He then said, “If they’re rolling and I pull up to drop off one of the girls, then I’ll be on it.”

The actor might not appear, but he seems to be very supportive of Richards deciding to join the cast. They even talked about her possible decision to do it before she officially decided.

In the end, Richards decided to hide the dysfunction of her relationship with Sheen in the past. Now she hopes it was the right thing to do and they have good memories about their childhood.

Read more: Who is Aaron Phypers, Denise Richards’ New Husband?

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