RHOC’s Meghan O’Toole King’s Divorce From Cuffe Biden Owens Was ‘Profoundly Devastating’ – Has ‘Horrible Relationship’ With Jim Edmonds
Meghan O’Toole King from The Real Housewives of Orange County hasn’t had much luck in love lately and recently finalized her divorce from her short marriage to Cuffe Biden Owens. She also revealed that she and ex-husband Jim Edmonds have an extremely strained relationship.
King opened up about the devastation she felt after splitting from Owens and admitted they rushed into, but it wasn’t her idea. “It was important to him,” King said on Caroline Stanbury’s Divorced Not Dead podcast. “We rushed into it. Like I said earlier, I’m a lover and I want everybody to be happy. I learned some big lessons from that mistake. I’m sure he did as well.”
Meghan O’Toole King was ‘devastated’ and is now more guarded when it comes to relationships
And while she learned a lesson, the breakup didn’t come without heartbreak. “I am rattled. This situation is profoundly devastating,” she shared on Instagram shortly after sharing the couple planned to divorce. “This is obviously not what I imagined when I made my vows — and I’m shocked and saddened by the way things turned out.”

Looking back, King feels as though she is healing from the split. “I have a whole lot of love to give, and these bad relationships that I’ve been in haven’t knocked me down,” she said on the podcast. “And that’s just who I am, I feel like I’m resilient. I want to give my whole heart, but I think I’m a little bit more guarded than I was in the past.”
She also continues to have a bitter relationship with Jim Edmonds
And while King is feeling as though she can move forward after her divorce from Owens, she continues to have a bad relationship with Edmonds. “We have [a worse] relationship than we did when we split up,” King admitted about Edmonds. “It’s horrible. It’s so detrimental for the kids [and] for us as individuals.” She added, “It sucks.”
The couple has three children and divorced in May 2021. King has no communication with Edmonds and manages child custody arrangements via an app. “It makes me feel safer because it makes me feel like the verbal abuse will be toned down a little bit more,” she said. “Unfortunately, and shockingly, that’s not always the case, but it does give me a little bit more solace knowing that I have eyes that can be on it.”
King learned that Edmonds cheated on her in a tabloid. “Can you believe that?” she asked. “He left me on a Friday and on Saturday it was in the tabloids that he was divorcing me.”
Meghan O’Toole King hopes for a better post-divorce relationship (someday) with Jim Edmonds
Despite the negativity, King hopes someday she and Edmonds can move past their differences. “I think that maybe perhaps he was damaged, or individuals who act like he does, maybe they’re so damaged at some point in their life that they can’t grow to see outside of themselves,” she said.
“Maybe there’s still hope there. I’m never going to stop holding out hope,” King added. “Baby steps. I would love to be able to communicate amicably. I would love to sit at a parent-teacher conference and sit with him and chat about our kids.”