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The food truck king returns to the road! Masterchef Roy Choi from Netflix‘s The Chef Show and owner of the famous Kogi food truck knows that delightful feeling of sinking your teeth into the perfect french fry, followed by a sip of ice-cold beer.

So he is taking his special, locally hand-crafted fries on the road in a new partnership with Stella Artois. Choi plans to design the ultimate fries around local flavors and the culture. Plus he’s serving those delicious frites alongside one of his favorite beers.

Roy Choi is bringing the perfect food truck fry to a city near you

Choi explained to Showbiz Cheat Sheet how his food truck pop-up experience, “Frites Artois” will be more than the food. “Part of the experience is being served out of an Airstream trailer,” he said. “This is the big kickoff event for the pop-up experience. It’s going to start in Miami and will move from city to city.”

Chef Roy Choi adds seasoning to a basket of french fries
Chef Roy Choi | Stella Artois

Beginning in April, Choi and his pop-up food truck experience will travel throughout the country. “What I’m trying to do is design each fry to whatever city the pop-up ends up in,” he explained. “The pop-up is going to last for many days, I think even weeks. And so people can go into the pop-up, have the Stella, eat the fries, and meet local artists, culture creators, and musicians. So it’ll be just a celebration of culture and art and life in each city.”

Chef Roy revealed amazing plans for first stop fries

He also offered an example of the kind of fries he’ll be serving in Miami. “So for Miami, I’m obviously probably going to go a direction very similar, maybe to The Chef Show. Kind of like a mojo-style fry,” he described. “They have different versions of it. For me, consistency and execution are most important. So I have to look at our capabilities, our equipment, our team, everything out there, and whatever is going to be the most consistent for the guests to get the best cone of fries, every single time.”

“So it could be as easy as like a really wonderfully salted crispy frite with a dipping sauce,” he suggested. “Or I could incorporate kind of like an ooey-gooey cheesy kind of disco fries type of format. But again, mojo style.”

Of course, Choi plans to go for the gusto too. “Or I have the ultimate version, which is the mojo pork shoulder brined and braised in the local marinade, then pulled apart like pulled pork and served with the fries and a mojo kind of dipping sauce drizzled all around with the chopped cilantro and a bunch of pickled onions and all this stuff. So you can go from that to all the way to the full, the full-blown package with the rims and all that stuff.”

Why fries and beer? The food truck owner explains

Choi also addressed why he loves the pairing of fries and beer. “Obviously the connection between beer and french fries in Belgium,” he shared. “But for me, it’s kind of like looking at that same philosophy of quality over quantity. If you’re only going to eat fries maybe once a month or have a beer every once in a while, you want it to be the best of the best.”

“You don’t want to eat soggy, limp fries if that’s the only fry that you’re going to have,” he added. “So the idea was how do we take the idea of the American french fries and just put all of our attention, all of our love, into every single kind of morsel and nook and cranny and make it as beautiful and it’s delicious as possible.”

His masterful artistry is about creating a memorable moment. “If you can elevate the experience from a bag of soggy fries to just have one really greatly cooked fry, just one. It just changes how you feel about everything,” he shared. “About yourself, about the potato, about the experience. And that with the beer, with the Stella, with the fry together ice-cold, piping hot … it’s just like that whole kind of intersection.”

Who’s hungry? Click here for more information about Choi and his “Frites Artois” pop-up food truck.