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Millions of dedicated viewers of The Wendy Williams Show have been waiting for the queen of daytime to return to their television screens after Williams announced she was taking a hiatus to focus on caring for her health. Williams has battled Graves’ disease for years and has taken a hiatus before as a result. But popular YouTube star Tasha K revealed that Williams’ sources say she’s is hospitalized and may not be returning to the show any time soon.

Wendy Williams
Wendy Williams 2018 | Paras Griffin/Getty Images

Wendy Williams announces another hiatus from daytime talk show due to health issues

Williams began filming her talk show remotely due to coronavirus shutdowns across the nation. Wendy@Home started back up in late March after the host was forced to stop filming at her NYC studio. She initially removed her studio audience and used her staff as fill-ins until the governor of New York ordered all essential businesses to close indefinitely.

Source: Instagram

Williams filmed live from her Manhattan apartment and had several guests virtually. But on May 18, Variety exclusively reported that Williams would be taking a hiatus due to her ongoing issues with Graves’ disease. Williams later confirmed the report on her official Instagram page.

“Recently, Wendy has been dealing with symptoms from her Graves’ disease which is causing fatigue,” the statement read in part. “In consultation with her doctor and as a precautionary measure, she will be taking some time off as she continues to receive treatment.”

Source: Instagram

Reruns of the show have taken place of Williams’ virtual live shows and a return date has not yet been announced. This is not the first time Williams has had to take a break from filming because of her condition. 

She initially took a six-week break beginning in January 2019 and said it was due to Graves’ disease. Upon her return to work, she revealed that in conjunction with her illness, she was also dealing with personal matters, which included staying in a sober living facility and ultimately deciding to end her marriage of over 20 years.

YouTuber Tasha K says Wendy Williams is hospitalized after an emotional and mental breakdown

Fans have been anxiously awaiting for an update from Williams and are hopeful the show will return for them to enjoy while still quarantined. But YouTuber Tasha K, who broke the story of Williams’ ex-husband’s mistress giving birth, says Williams’ condition is more serious than Williams and her camp are ready to discuss. Tasha has been in communication with Williams’ ex-husband, Kevin Hunter.

Wendy Williams and Kevin Hunter
Wendy Williams and Kevin Hunter | Lev Radin/Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty Images

According to Tasha K, Williams is currently in the neurology department at a New York Hospital being closely monitored by doctors. Tasha claims that it’s not Graves’ disease that Williams is dealing with. Instead, doctors believe she is suffering from a mental breakdown. 

Tasha alleges that Williams has been on a downward spiral emotionally since her divorce and discovering that her ex-husband’s mistress had a baby. Williams has allegedly been slowly drifting and was admitted after her family and friends grew concerned. 

Source: Instagram

Some of Williams’ behavior was considered odd or erratic and Tasha revealed that Williams refused to eat, drink, was often seen pacing the floor and talking to herself. Tasha also says that Williams was allegedly suicidal.

Williams is staying at the hospital under an alias and is surrounded by security to ensure no one discovers where she is. Williams’ son has also allegedly not been in contact with his mother, which has also said to be a contributor to Williams being hospitalized.