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Meryl Streep is a multi-time Academy Award winner with several nominations to her name. But when Sandra Bullock and Streep were nominated for the same Oscar, Bullock couldn’t help but take a playful jab at her competition.

Sandra Bullock and Meryl Streep once competed for the same Oscar

Sandra Bullock posing
Sandra Bullock | Dave J Hogan/Getty Images

2010 was an interesting award year for both Streep and Bullock. The two delivered critically acclaimed performances in their films Julie & Julia and The Blind Side respectively. The competition was so tight between them that they both won the Critics’ Choice Award for Best Actress in a tie.

“This is bulls***,” Bullock once joked about the tie according to Access.

Sandra Bullock and Meryl Streep found themselves in competition again when they were both nominated for the same Oscar. The two were considered for the Best Lead Actress category for the same movies. Unlike with the Critics’ Choice Awards, however, only one of them could take home the prize.

Because of this, Bullock let Streep know that she was determined to be the victor.

“Well, I first left her an E-mail that she needed to watch her back. And then she sent me dead Orchids. Then I sent her a case of Jack Daniels and some beer and told her, ‘We needed to toast to trash.’ Meaning she’s trash. Which we all know Meryl’s white trash. So, we have a very loving, sometimes prickly relationship that keeps things firing. We like it that way,” Bullock once quipped to the Associated Press.

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Bullock kept true to her word, and ended up taking home her first Oscar for The Blind Side. It was a role that she didn’t even expect to be nominated for.

“I was literally asleep when the phone rang. I don’t think [anyone] expects it, but if they do, how great must that feel when the get it. I just didn’t want to be one of those people who, when it didn’t come, be all of a sudden crushed where I set everything up for this moment,” Bullock once said in a interview with She Knows.

The nomination was especially important to the Speed star who saw that her hard work paid off.

“I know I work really hard. But just because I work really hard doesn’t mean the elements come together. I’m always shocked and so happy, and it’s always unexpected to me I expect to fail. That’s why I work even harder. Does anybody expect a nomination? I certainly didn’t,” she continued. “Certain ones (other award nominations) happened and then I’d think that this would be when the backlash happens. This is when it gets ugly. You think this has been nice and I had a nice ride.”

Sandra Bullock won an Oscar and a Razzie in the same year


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Although Bullock was honored with one of Hollywood’s most coveted prize, she also was up for a Razzie that same year as well. She ended up winning the worst actress award for the 2009 comedy All About Steve, and accepted the accolade in person. But it was an award that the Bullet Train actor didn’t mind winning.

“The universe, it balances. It makes sure you didn’t get a head that’s too big. I love it, I had a great time at the Razzies. I still think they made a mistake,” she joked in an interview on Oprah.