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Kevin O’Leary — aka “Mr. Wonderful” — on Shark Tank recently praised his mother on Instagram for the lessons she taught him on money management. Along with penning a loving tribute to the family matriarch, the ABC reality star included a vintage photo of himself with his mom. The throwback picture featured O’Leary sporting some impressive locks that prompted plenty of comments from followers.

Kevin O'Leary on the panel of 'Shark Tank'
Kevin O’Leary of ‘Shark Tank’ | Christopher Willard via Getty Images

Kevin O’Leary of ‘Shark Tank’ gave his mom props on Instagram

In honor of April being Financial Literacy Month, Mr. Wonderful took to Instagram to share the importance of learning how to handle money.

“Financial literacy isn’t something any of us are born with,” O’Leary captioned the photo of himself in graduation garb with his arm around his mom. “If we’re lucky, we have people in our lives to guide us and help us understand the nuances of money, debt, savings, and investments. If we aren’t, we need to put in the work to learn.”

The Shark Tank panelist credited his mom for starting him off on the right financial foot, which motivated him to learn even more about money management.

“My mother Georgette was a brilliant woman, and I’ll never be able to thank her enough for teaching me all that she did about managing my money,” he wrote. “Ultimately I craved even more control over my finances and future, and decided to get my MBA in entrepreneurship. This was my path, but everyone’s journey is different. … I want to remind everyone that it’s never too late to learn, and even if we think we know it all there’s always MORE to learn.”

Mr. Wonderful showed off a very different look in his post

While O’Leary’s words about his mom were heartwarming and valuable, many of his almost 700K followers were drawn to his dark mane in the picture than his money advice.

“Hair looks good on you Kevin,” a fan wrote. “Wow he’s actually got hair.,” another commented. “WOW YOU GOT BEAUTIFUL HAIR.. EITHER WAY YOU ARE STILL HANDSOME!!” a follower posted. “you had hair?” someone joked.

Apparently, the graduation robe prompted a nod to a famous movie franchise by one of O’Leary’s followers, who posted, “What kind of Harry Potter spin off is this lol?”

Despite the flurry of comments on O’Leary’s eye-catching tresses, many fans thanked the Shark for always sharing tips on finances.

“Because of you am slowly gaining financial independence,” a follower wrote. “I needed to hear this — have a huge exam in two hours. Thank you for the inspiration,” another revealed. “That’s our Mr. Wonderful. Dropping knowledge and helping others,” a fan remarked. 

What is Kevin O’Leary’s net worth?

This isn’t the first time the Shark Tank panelist has praised his mom for providing a solid fiscal foundation. O’Leary gave props to Georgette for investing in some of his earliest businesses.

“Mother + daughter/son businesses make my cold heart sing!!” he wrote on Twitter in January 2021. “My mom Georgette taught me almost everything I know about business and finance… she was also one of my first investors.”

Perhaps O’Leary’s net worth of $400 million is the best proof that his mother’s words of wisdom on corralling cash are worth following. Now with reality star status and a portfolio full of successful Shark Tank investments, O’Leary’s accolades on his mom’s gift for green management is clearly well deserved.