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One thing every fan of Netflix‘s Single’s Inferno wants to know if who is still together after the finale. What couple really did find love after leaving the deserted island and who did not work out? Fans had the favorite couples on the show they rooted for like An Yea-won and Kim Jun-sik. They seemed like a match made in Paradise, but Yea-won reveals her relationship status after Single’s Inferno.

Kim Jun-sik and Ah Yea-won from 'Single's Inferno' wearing aprons and cooking.
Kim Jun-sik and Ah Yea-won from ‘Single’s Inferno’ | via Netflix

An Yea-won and Kim Jun-sik found camaraderie while on ‘Single’s Inferno’

When it came to a contestant that deserved more screen time and attention, fans agreed An Yea-won was everyone’s favorite girl. The same has been said about Jun-sik. Both Single’s Inferno contestants were unproblematic and never caused drama. But they did not have it, easy finding love, on the island. More often than not, they observed the other contestants go to Paradise and flirt.

Singles’ Inferno Yea-won and Jun-sik spent a lot of quality time together on the deserted island. But fans felt they were perfect for each other and they finally got to go on a date in episode 4.

When Cha Hyun-seung entered Single’s Inferno as a late contestant, fans saw a spark between the K-Pop idol dancer and Yea-won. Sadly, he stuck to trying to win over Song Ji-a. When it came time for the contestants to decide their partner in the finale, it was no surprise that Jun-sik chose Yea-won and vice versa.

After the show’s end, the contestants returned to their lives. Yea-won answered fans’ questions. In a collab video with Hyun-seung, she reveals if she and Jun-sik are dating.

An Yea-won lets fans know what happened with Jun-sik after ‘Single’s Inferno’

Before getting into a deep discussion with Hyun-seung in her Youtube video, Yea-won answered some of the fans’ questions regarding Jun-sik during and after Single’s Inferno. A fan asked why she chose him to be her final partner. Yea-won explained that nine days on the island was too short of time to become invested in someone. Instead, she chose Jun-sik for her looks and was most attracted to him.

But Yea-won gets candid on why she and Jun-sik did not develop a romantic relationship after Single’s Inferno. Returning to their everyday lives meant they had to catch up on the careers and jobs they put on hold over the nine days on the island. As a personal trainer and model, Yea-won explains she was too busy, and the same went for Jun-sik, as the owner of his own company.

“The situation wasn’t like where I could meet him after my work and stuff. We did meet a few times and kept each other updated, so we decided to stay as good friends,” said Yea-won.

In her video with Hyun-sik, fans also learned why the contestants did not develop a further bond on the show. Hyun-seung expresses his regret over not sticking to Yea-won.

Did other couples stay together after ‘Single’s Inferno?’


‘Single’s Inferno’: Can An Yea-won Sing? Her Appearance on a Korean Variety Show Reveals All

Yea-won and Jun-sik may not be together in real life after Single’s Inferno, but fans still speculate if she and Hyun-seung have developed a relationship. They looked close and cozy during the video. Fans now speculate Ji-a and Kim Hyeon-joong never fully became an item after the show.

Despite the scandal surrounding Ji-a, fans also noticed Hyeon-joong does not follow her on Instagram or social media. Netizens initially believed it was over the backlash she had faced for wearing fake designer items. In reality, he told Maeil Business Newspaper, according to Koreaboo, he has no reason to cut ties with her.

After the show and during its time on air, they remained friends. He does admit he unfollowed Ji-a for other reasons that have nothing to do with the controversy she has faced.

“There had been a lot of attention [on us], and Ji A also wasn’t following me. I didn’t want unnecessary rumors to start circulating so that’s why I decided to unfollow her too. There were no other reasons. Honestly, I had no idea that there was a controversy at the time,” said Hyeong-joong.

Hyeong-joong affirms Ji-a is a “kind and bright friend.” Sadly both contestants have faced a fair share of scrutiny from the public. Fans are still up in the air if Kang So-yeon and Oh Jin-taek are an item.