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Season 19 of Sister Wives is just three seasons in. While the season is off to a slow and pretty boring start, Kody Brown never fails to disappoint in his confessionals. The father of 18 has been accused of being delusional several times in the past, and season 19 is no different. We’ve collected three moments from season 19 that prove Kody Brown is completely out of touch with the reality of his situation.

Kody Brown said he would “let” Meri seek a divorce

Kody Brown’s understanding of his importance in the lives of his ex-wives is questionable, at best. That has never been more on display than during season 19 of Sister Wives. In one telling moment, Kody suggested he would “let” Meri Brown, his first wife, seek a spiritual release from their covenant with the church.

Meri Brown and Kody Brown sit down for an interview during ane episode of 'Sister Wives'
Meri Brown and Kody Brown | TLC/YouTube

After he suggested he would “allow” the spiritual divorce to proceed, viewers took to social media to question whether the former polygamist understood that he didn’t really have a choice, as he and Meri Brown were no longer together. Fans were quick to point out that Meri has more than enough proof that Kody abandoned their marriage long ago, with or without his approval.

Kody said he was considering skipping his son’s wedding because of his divorces

Kody Brown has had plenty of strange moments in season 19 of Sister Wives. Still, his most self-involved moment yet came in episode 3 of the controversial reality TV series. During the show’s third episode, Kody revealed that he seriously considered skipping a family event because of his feelings toward his ex-wives.

Kody Brown and Janelle Brown with Logan Brown, Hunter Brown, Maddison Brown and Garrison Brown in an undated family photo
Kody and Janelle Brown with their eldest four children | TLC/YouTube

Skipping a minor or unimportant event wouldn’t have been a big deal, but the occasion he referenced was his oldest son’s wedding. Kody seriously considered not attending Logan Brown and Michelle Petty’s October 2022 wedding. Logan and his wife have opted not to appear on the show and live a private life. Neither has commented on Kody’s statement, and they likely won’t issue public commentary. Still, we imagine Kody’s feelings were hurtful, even though he did end up attending.

Logan Brown is the eldest son of Kody and Janelle Brown. He’s actually the oldest Brown sibling. Logan has been largely credited with helping to raise his younger siblings when he was just a teen. He has been with his now-wife for many years. They do not have children but have adopted pets.

Kody was angered that his exes were doing things without him

In another telling moment, Kody Brown sat down for a confessional and suggested his former wives were trying to irritate him because they were doing things without him, like traveling and checking out properties in other states. Kody said Janelle Brown and his other former wives all knew he had “FOMO” and were purposefully trying to make him feel bad.

Kody Brown and Janelle Brown have a heated arguement about the holidays during a seaosn 18 'Sister Wives' episodes.
Kody and Janelle Brown | TLC/YouTube

‘Sister Wives’: Did Kody Brown Slip up and Admit He Doesn’t Consider His Children With His Ex-Wives Family Anymore?

Kody’s inability to understand what ending a relationship looks like and his hypocrisy prove he is completely out of touch with reality. He never thought about how hurtful he was being toward his then-wives when he focused solely on Robyn Brown. Still, he wants them to think about him now that they are no longer together. The statement made Sister Wives fans livid.